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Prayers and Devotions for the Liturgical Year
Feasts and Celebrations
Alphabetical List
Abstinence and Fast
Achilleus and Nereus (Saints)
Act of Contrition (English and Spanish) (To order Man of Sorrows Prayer cards go to Catalog Page)
Adalbert (Saint)
Advent Introduction
Advent Prayers [Spanish Edition: Oraciones para Adviento] - (To order Advent Prayer folders go to Catalog Page)
Agatha (Saint)
Agnes (Saint)
Agnus Dei Prayer cards
Albert the Great (Saint)
All Saints
All Souls
Aloysius Gonzaga (Saint)
Alphonsus Liguori (Saint)
Ambrose (Saint)
André Bessette (Saint)
Andrew (Saint)
Andrew Dung-Luc and Companions (Saint)
Andrew Kim Taegon (Saint)
Angela Merici (Saint)
Angelus (To order Angelus Prayer cards go to Catalog Page)
Angelus (Spanish) (To order Angelus Prayer cards go to Catalog Page)
Anne (Saint)
Anne Line (Saint)
Anointing of the Sick, the Sacrament of
Anselm (Saint)
Ansgar (Saint)
Anthony (Saint)
Anthony Claret (Saint)
Anthony Mary Zaccaria (Saint)
Anthony of Padua (Saint)
Apollinaris (Saint)
The Apostles' Creed
Ascension of the Lord
Ash Wednesday
Athanasian Creed
Athanasius (Saint)
Augustine (Saint)
Augustine of Canterbury (Saint)
Augustine Zhao Rong, and his companions (Saints)
Ave Maria - Hail Mary - Memorare
Baptism, the Sacrament of
Baptism of the Lord
Barnabas (Saint)
Bartholomew, Apostle (Saint)
Basil the Great & Gregory Nazianzen (Saints)
Bede the Venerable (Saint)
Benedict (Saint)
Bernard (Saint)
Bernardine of Siena (Saint)
Birth of the Virgin Mary
Blase (Saint)
Blessing for the Mother of an Unborn Child
Body and Blood of Christ (The Most Holy)
Boniface (Saint)
Bonaventure (Saint)
Bridget of Sweden (Saint)
Bruno (Saint)
Cajetan (Saint)
Callistus (Saint)
Camillus de Lellis (Saint)
Casimir (Saint)
Catecheses on Prayer - Pope Benedict XVI
Catherine of Alexandria (Saint)
Catherine of Siena (Saint)
Cecilia (Saint)
Charles Borromeo (Saint)
Charles Lwanga and companions (Saint)
Christ the King
Christmas Crib Blessing
Christmas Eve Day
Christmas Meal Prayers
Christmas Novena [Spanish edition: Novena de Navidad] - (To order Novenas go to Catalog Page)
Christmas Readings
Christmas Tree Blessing
Christopher Magallanes & Companions (Saint)
Clare (Saint)
Clemens-August von Galen
Clement I (Saint)
Columban (Saint)
Communion - First
Communion - Spiritual
Confession - Penance/Reconciliation
Confirmation, the Sacrament of
Conversion of Saint Paul
Cornelius (Saint)
Corpus Christi
Cosmos and Damian (Saints)
Counting down to Christmas (pdf)
Cure of Ars (Saint John Vianney)
Cyprian (Saint)
Cyril of Alexandria (Saint)
Cyril of Jerusalem (Saint)
Cyril and Methodius (Saints)
Damasus I (Saint)
Damian, Cosmos and (Saints)
Damien Joseph de Veuster of Moloka'i (Saint)
Day of Penance for violations to the Dignity of the Human Person
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome
Dedication of the Churches Peter and Paul
Denis (Saint)
Divine Mercy Sunday
Dominic (Saint)
Early Church Fathers
Easter Day
Easter Vigil
Edith Stein (Saint) [Teresa Benedicta of the Cross]
Elizabeth Ann Seton (Saint)
Elizabeth of Hungary (Saint)
Elizabeth of Portugal (Saint)
Ephrem (Saint)
Epiphany of the Lord
Eucharistic Adoration (To order Adoration Booklets go to Catalog Page)
Eucharist, the Sacrament of the Holy
Eusebius of Vercelli (Saint)
Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Fabian (Saint)
Fast and Abstinence
Father's Day
Faustina (St. Mary)
Felicity and Perpetua (Saints)
Fidelis of Sigmaringen (Saint)
First Communion
First Friday
First Martyrs of the Church of Rome
Frances of Rome (Saint)
Frances Xavier Cabrini (Saint)
Francis de Sales (Saint)
Francis of Assisi (Saint)
Francis of Paola (Saint)
Francis Xavier (Saint)
Francis Xavier Seelos(Blessed)
Gabriel (Saint) [Saint Michael and the Archangels]
George (Saint)
Germaine Cousin (Saint)
Gertrude (Saint)
Gianna Molla
Good Friday
Gregory the Great (Saint)
Gregory Nazianzen, Basil the Great (Saints)
Gregory VII (Saint)
Guardian Angels
Hail Mary - Memorare -Ave Maria
The Hail Mary (Coloring Page)
Halloween, Eve of All Saints
Hedwig (Saint)
Henry, (Saint)
Hilary, (Saint)
Hildegard, (Saint & Doctor of the Church)
Hippolytus (Pontian and) (Saint)
Holy Days of Obligation
Holy Family
Holy Innocents
Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Holy Name of Jesus
Holy Orders, the Sacrament of
Holy Saturday
Holy Thursday
Holy Trinity (Most)
Holy Week
Ignatius of Antioch (Saint)
Ignatius of Loyola (Saint)
Immaculate Conception
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Infant Jesus of Prague
Independence Day (USA)
Irenaeus (Saint)
Isaac Jogues & John de Brébeuf & companions (Saints)
Isidore (Saint)
Isidore the Farmer (Saint)
James the Apostle (Saint)
James (Philip and James) (Saints)
Jane Frances de Chantel (Saint)
Januarius (Saint)
Jerome (Saint)
Jerome Emiliani (Saint)
Jesse Tree [PDF version]
Joachim and Anne (Saints)
Joan of Arc (Saint)
John the Apostle (Saint)
John the Baptist (Saint) [Includes both Birth & Beheading Feasts]
John Baptist de la Salle (Saint)
John Bosco (Saint)
John Chrysostom (Saint)
John de Brébeuf & Isaac Jogues & companions (Saints)
John Eudes (Saint)
John the Evangelist (Saint)
John Fisher (Saint)
John Henry Newman (Blessed)
John Latern (Dedication of Saint)
John Leonardi (Saint)
John Neumann (Saint)
John I (Saint)
John Vianney (Saint)
John of Avila (Saint and Doctor)
John of Capistrano (Saint)
John of the Cross (Saint)
John of Damascus (Saint)
John of God (Saint)
John of Kanty (Saint)
John Paul II (Saint)
John XXIII (Saint)
Josaphat (Saint)
Josemaría Escrivá (Saint)
Joseph (Saint) [includes Saint Joseph the Worker]
Joseph Calasanz (Saint)
Josephine Bakhita (Saint)
Journey Cross [for Lent]
Juan Diego (Saint)
Jude, Simon and (Saints)
Junipero Serra (Saint)
Justin the martyr, (Saint)
Kateri Tekakwitha (Saint)
Katharine Drexel (Saint)
Labor Day
Lætare Sunday
Lawrence (Saint)
Lawrence of Brindisi (Saint)
Lawrence Ruiz & Companions (Saint)
Lent I
Lent II
Leo the Great, (Saint)
Little Flower
Liturgy of the Hours -- liturgyhours.org
Louis IX, King of France (Saint)
Louis Mary de Montfort (Saint)
Luke (Saint)
Lucy (Saint)
Mardi Gras
Marcellinus and Peter (Saints)
Margaret Clitheroe (Saint)
Margaret Mary Alacoque (Saint)
Margaret of Scotland (Saint)
Margaret Ward (Saint)
Maria Goretti (Saint)
Marian Feasts
Marianne Cope (Saint)
Marie-Rose Durocher (Blessed)
Mark (Saint)
Martha (Saint)
Martin I
Martin de Porres (Saint)
Martin of Tours (Saint)
Mary, Birth of the Virgin
Mary Faustina, (Saint)
Mary Magdalene (Saint)
Mary Magdalene de'Pazzi (Saint)
Mary Major (Dedication of Saint)
Mary, Mother of God
Matrimony, the Sacrament of Holy
Matthew the Apostle (Saint)
Matthias (Saint)
Maximilian Mary Kolbe (Saint)
May Crowning
Meal Prayer
Memorare -Ave Maria - Hail Mary
Methodius and Cyril (Saints)
Michael (Saint) and the Archangels (To order St. Michael & San Miguel Prayer cards go to Catalog Page)
Miguel Agustin Pro (Blessed)
Monica (Saint)
Morning Offering (To order Morning Offering Prayer cards go to Catalog Page)
The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ
Most Holy Name of Jesus
Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Most Holy Trinity
Mother's Day
Mother Teresa (Blessed-October 19,2003)
Nereus and Achilleus (Saints)
New Year's Eve
The Nicene Creed
Nicholas (Saint)
Norbert (Saint)
North American Martyrs
Novena for the Protection of the Unborn -- (also in Spanish) (To order Novenas go to Catalog Page)
Novena for the Renewal of the Sacred Liturgy (on the Adoremus website) (To order Novenas go to Catalog Page)
Novena to the Holy Spirit
Novena to St. Theresa the Little Flower
"O Antiphons"
Our Father
Our Lady of Fatima
Our Lady of Good Remedy
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Our Lady of Lourdes
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Our Lady of Prompt Succor
Our Lady of the Rosary
Our Lady of Sorrows
Our Lady of Walsingham
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
Palm Sunday
Pancras (Saint)
Patrick (Saint)
Paul VI (Blessed)
Paul Chong Hasang (Saint)
Paul, Conversion of Saint
Paul Miki and companions (Saints)
Paul of the Cross (Saint)
Paulinus of Nola (Saint)
Perpetua and Felicity (Saints)
Peter and Paul (Saints)
Peter and Paul, Dedication of the Churches
Peter Canisius (Saint)
Peter, Chair of Saint
Peter Chanel (Saint)
Peter Chrysologus (Saint)
Peter Claver (Saint)
Peter Damian (Saint)
Peter Julian Eymard (Saint)
Philip (Philip and James) (Saints)
Philip Neri (Saint)
Pio of Pietrelcina "Padre Pio" (Saint)
Pius IX (Blessed),
Pius V (Saint)
Pius X (Saint)
Polycarp (Saint)
Pontian (and Hippolytus) (Saint)
Prayer for Priests
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Presentation of Our Lord
Queenship of Mary
Raphael (Saint) [Saint Michael and the Archangels]
Raymond Penyafort (Saint)
Regina Cæli -- Prayer Card sample
Rita of Cascia, Religious (Saint)
Robert Bellarmine (Saint)
Romuald (Saint)
Rose of Lima (Saint)
Rose Philippine Duchesne (Saint)
Sacraments, the Seven
Sacred Heart of Jesus
Saturday Devotions -- Blessed Virgin Mary
Scholastica (Saint)
Sebastian (Saint)
Seder Meal (Holy Thursday)
September 11th
Seven Founders of the Order of Servites
Sharbel Makhluf (Saint)
Sign of the Cross
Simon and Jude (Saints)
Sixtus II (Saint)
Spiritual Communion
Stanislaus (Saint)
Stations of the Cross
Stephen (Saint)
Stephen of Hungary (Saint)
Sylvester I (Saint)
Ten Commandments
Teresa of Jesus [Avila] (Saint)
Teresa (Mother) (Blessed-October 19,2003)
Thanksgiving Day
Theresa of Child Jesus (Saint)
Theresa of Child Jesus (Saint, Novena to)
Thomas the Apostle (Saint)
Thomas Aquinas (Saint)
Thomas Becket (Saint)
Thomas More (Saint)
Timothy and Titus (Saints)
Triumph of the Cross
Turibius of Mongrovejo (Saint)
Valentine (Saint)
Vincent (Saint)
Vincent de Paul (Saint)
Vincent Ferrer (Saint)
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Wenceslaus (Saint)
Works of Mercy - Corporal & Spiritual
Pope Benedict XVI
Wednesday, 13 April 2011The holiness
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
As a conclusion to this series of catecheses on the lives of the saints, I would like today to speak of the holiness to which each Christian is called. Holiness is the fullness of the Christian life, a life in Christ; it consists in our being united to Christ, making our own his thoughts and actions, and conforming our lives to his. As such, it is chiefly the work of the Holy Spirit who is poured forth into our hearts through Baptism, making us sharers in the paschal mystery and enabling us to live a new life in union with the Risen Christ. Christian holiness is nothing other than the virtue of charity lived to its fullest. In the pursuit of holiness, we allow the seed of God’s life and love to be cultivated by hearing his word and putting it into practice, by prayer and the celebration of the sacraments, by sacrifice and service of our brothers and sisters. The lives of the saints encourage us along this great path leading to the fullness of eternal life. By their prayers, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, may each of us live fully our Christian vocation and thus become a stone in that great mosaic of holiness which God is creating in history, so that the glory shining on the face of Christ may be seen in all its splendor.
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