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James Hitchcock, historian, author, and lecturer, writes frequently on current events in the Church and in the world.
Dr. Hitchcock, a St. Louis native, is professor emeritus of history at St. Louis University (1966-2013). His latest book is History of the Catholic Church: From the Apostolic Age to the Third Millennium (2012, Ignatius).
Among his major works is The Supreme Court and Religion in American Life (Vol. 1 The Odyssey of the Religion Clauses and Vol. II From 'Higher Law' to 'Sectarian Scruples' ), which was published in 2004 by Princeton University Press. Recovery of the Sacred (1974, 1995), his classic work on liturgy, is accessible on the Adoremus site: http://www.adoremus.org/RecoverySacred.html
A selection of Dr. Hitchcock's articles and columns are online at the Women for Faith & Family site: http://www.wf-f.org/J-Hitchcock-col.html
**New blog on NCRegister.com
Dr. Hitchock's blog post. http://www.ncregister.com/blog/james-hitchcock/context-and-clashes-how-the-synod-and-council-compareTable of Contents
Old Liberals, Young Liberals, and the Breakdown of the Family: Why and how the rejection of "Humanae Vitae" made all the difference among Catholics by James Hitchcock -- links to Catholic World Report
Religion and the Liberal Society - Liberalism now understands religious freedom almost entirely as the right of individuals, not churches -- by James Hitchcock - Michaelmas 2012
Why Eucharistic Adoration Disturbs Some Liturgists -- by James Hitchcock, on the Adoremus website, Oct. 2009
Continuity and Disruption in the Liturgy: A Cultural Approach, published in Antiphon, The Society for Catholic Liturgy, Volume Twelve, Numbers One, Two, and Three – 2008The Vatican, Ecumenism, and Tolerance -- August 4, 2007
All or Many -- July 3, 2007
Freedom of Religion at Political Crossroad -- June 10, 2007
Pushing the Moral Envelope -- May 2, 2007
“Liberation” -- and Oppression -- March 24, 2007
Fanatic Anti-Christianity -- October 15, 2006
Our Enslavement to “Freedom” -- July 13, 2006
The Da Vinci Code Raises Secular Questions -- May24, 2006
Conscience and Chaos -- April 22, 2006
Liberalism's Dilemma -- February 25, 2006
Alito and the "A-Word" -- January 6, 2006
Commentary on the new Vatican Instruction concerning homosexuals in the priesthood -- November 28, 2005
Dei Verbum: The Divine Authority of Scripture vs. the “Hermeneutic of Suspicion” -- Adoremus Website [November 2005 Issue]
Religion, Politics and Judicial Principle -- October 16, 2005
Judge Undergoes Ordeal by Ideology -- September 18, 2005
The Supreme Court’s Penumbra of Politics -- July 21, 2005
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger -- Man for the Job -- June 2, 2005
Pope Benedict XVI -- April 20, 2005
Limits of Tolerance -- March 24, 2005
Is Tolerance Intolerant? -- March 2, 2005
The Myth of the "Wall of Separation" -- January 5, 2005
Theory of the Enlightened Class -- November 8, 2004
Just Judges? -- October 6, 2004
When the Media Decide What the Church Should Teach - September 6, 2004
The Skeptics' New Truth -- July 28, 2004
Personally Opposed -- to what? -- June 27, 2004
Religious Liberty -- For Whom? -- May 28, 2004
Politics and Church, Integrity and Hypocrisy -- May 1, 2004
Liberalism Repealing Freedom -- March 27, 2004
Critics of Film Reveal Passions -- March 1, 2004
Homosexual "marriage" -- What we can learn from the Scandanavian experience -- February 5, 2004
What Makes America Different? -- January 3, 2004
Religious Freedom and the Dogma of Tolerance -- November 22, 2003
Inventing a Religion of Tolerance -- October 24, 2003
Mary Magdalen - Revised -- September 14, 2003
When Liberalism Opposes Liberty -- August 24, 2003
Marriage: Why We Care -- August 3, 2003
Tolerance - A Liberal Dilemma -- July 10, 2003
Chimera of Relevance -- June 20, 2003
The "New Orthodoxy" of Dissent - Cardinal Arinze's Georgetown Address -- May 25, 2003
Hypocrisy on Pedophilia - Judith Levine and the LA Times -- May 10, 2003
The End of Gaudium et Spes? -- May, 2003
Political Orphans -- How the Democratic Party Left Traditional Believers Behind -- April 2003
This article originally appeared in Touchstone, April 2003, and is reprinted here with the author's permssion.Evading the Cross -- April 10, 2003
Scripture Omits Subjectivity -- March 30, 2003
New Age: "Me"-Mired Mysticism -- March 6, 2003
Separation and the Courts -- February 7, 2003
How is America Different? -- January 13, 2003
Advice or Moral Malpractice? -- December 13, 2002
Recent Elections Demonstrate Pro-Life Majority -- November 20, 2002
Forsyte Saga -- November 9, 2002
Inverted Virtue - The Counter-culture Redux -- October 25, 2002
Sin, Salvation and the Search for Meaning -- October 14, 2002
The State of Religious Education -- September 18, 2002
The Sexual Revolution - A Case Study -- August 30, 2002
Modernism's Limited Vision -- August 16, 2002
Intolerant Tolerance -- July 19, 2002
"Will there be chocolate in Heaven?" - Plato, Aristotle and Catholics -- June 30, 2002
False Agenda -- June 13, 2002
America's Moral Tradition - A Cultural Paradox -- June 2, 2002
Secrecy and Subversion in the Church Has Historical Model -- May 13, 2002
Bureaucracy as a Force for Change -- April 29, 2002
Taking Religion Hostage -- April 6, 2002
Selective Diversity -- March 20, 2002
Religion and Violence -- March 6, 2002
Marx, Darwin, Freud and Post-modernism -- February 15, 2002
The Saints and Doctrine -- February 1, 2002
Faith, Truth and Terrorism -- January 18, 2002
Confronting Evil -- (on the events of September 11, reprinted in Voices - Lent/Easter 2002)
John Walker Lindh's search for Truth -- December 21, 2002
Demythologizing Jesus: Making the World Safe for Unbelief -- December 7, 2001
A Continuum in the Great Tradition -- May 12, 2001
Joy and Hope -- July/August 2000
The Nagasaki Martyrs - July 1999
Catholics and American Culture -- July 5, 1999
Conservative Bishops, Liberal Results - May 1995 (essay originally published in Catholic World Report)
How Schism may come -- February 1994, reprint from Homiletic & Pastoral Review
On the Present Position of Catholics in America -- 1978, reprint from The National Committee of Catholic Layman, Inc.
Recovery of the Sacred -- Liturgy and The Loss of History, Radical liturgical innovation after the Council became a principal cause of the widespread crisis of faith, AB June 2006, Vol. XII, No. 4 -- Originally published in 1974, reprinted 1995, currently out of print -- Links to Adoremus website
Excerpt from The Recovery of the Sacred is Chapter 7: The Dynamics of Liturgical Reform, What Happens When Sacred Ritual Is Subjected to Contemporary "Inculturation" by James Hitchcock, AB Vol. 2, No. 2: April 1996 -- Originally published in 1974, reprinted 1995, currently out of print -- Links to Adoremus website
“The Liturgical Revolution” is the first chapter of Recovery of the Sacred. Reprinted in the Adoremus Bulletin, November 2009, Vol.XV, No. 8
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