Voices Editorial Board
Kathleen Reeves
Kathleen and Tom Reeves
copyright ©2006
Kathleen Reeves was born in Portland, Oregon, baptized a Lutheran, and educated in Portland Public Schools and at Pacific Lutheran University. She describes herself as a "housewife, gardener, lifelong student of History, birdwatcher, orchid-grower and husband-tender".
The aforementioned husband is Thomas C. Reeves, PhD, retired professor of history at the University of Wisconsin, Parkside, and author of biographies of John F. Kennedy, Joseph McCarthy, Chester A. Arthur, and most recently, Bishop Fulton Sheen. They have three daughters, two grandchildren and assorted cats and dogs.
After being atheists for many years, the Reeveses became Episcopalians in the 1970s, and Mrs. Reeves published numerous articles of satire, polemics, book reviews, and "spiritual" writing in various Anglican [Episcopalian] publications.
Kathleen and Thomas Reeves "realized that only the Magisterium [teaching authority of the Catholic Church] prevents total anarchy and became Catholics in 1997". (Dr. Thomas Reeves addressed the 1997 WFF national conference.)
Kathleen retired from the Voices editorial board in 2012.
A Vocation for the Grotesque -- Pentecost 2008Voices articles online
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