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November 6, 2012 Election
Dear friends,
The election next Tuesday will deeply affect our country and our faith, as we well know. We also know that whatever the outcome of the presidential election, we must continue and intensify our efforts to uphold the fundamental moral and ethical teachings of our faith.
In this, the Catholic Church’s “Year of Faith”, our responsibility as Catholics is more clear than ever: we must witness to the truth “in season and out of season”. This “new evangelization” or we might better say “re-evangelization” of our deeply secularized society is more crucial than ever.
This election year has focused in particular on issues relating directly to women, faith and family.
Women’s “freedom” has been repeatedly presented in the media and by politicians essentially as freedom from faith freeedom to reject religion.
The most basic moral teachings of our Church and the right to practice our faith are not only challenged, but ridiculed.
Likewise, the very meaning and concept of the family the fundamental unit of human society from the beginning of history is under serious threat.
The effect of these views on the precious lives of unborn children is obvious. But it has become equally clear that “relationship-free-sex” and the distorted notion of freedom undermines everything that human history has taught us about the family, the dignity and worth of women and men in society, and about the value of human life itself.
No matter which of the candidates for President of the United States is elected next Tuesday, these challenges to Christian teaching will continue. And it is extremely important that our voices as Christians, as Catholics, as women, as members of families must join together in prayer and pubic witness to the Truth.
The future of our country and the future of our families depends upon us. We must not be silent. We must make our voices heard. Please pray together with us and invite others to join in prayerful witness.
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Helen Hull Hitchcock
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