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Wall of Shame, Jefferson City, MO
Contact: Helen Hull Hitchcock
Phone: 314 863-8385 - Fax: 314 863-5858 - E-mailFebruary 25, 2004 - Women for Faith & Family sent a letter of support today to Missouri pro-life legislators whose pictures were displayed as a "Wall of Shame" in the rotunda of the Missouri Capitol building at a pro-abortion rally on February 17. Governor Bob Holden and Mrs. Holden participated in this rally. The complete text of the letter follows:
Dear (Name)
We were distressed to learn that a large photograph of you and your fellow pro-life legislators was placed in the Missouri Capitol rotunda on a "Wall of Shame" on February 17 because of your pro-life stand and also that Governor and Mrs. Holden participated in this shameful event. We regard the Governor's action at this pro-abortion rally as an irresponsible breach of his responsibility to all Missouri citizens, and especially harmful to women and children.
As president of Women for Faith & Family, a St. Louis-based national organization of Catholic women who uphold the sanctity of life, we want to assure you of our continued support, and of our admiration for your courage and resolve in protecting the lives of the most vulnerable among us.
Our "Affirmation for Catholic Women" (signed by about 50,000 women) states, in part:
We affirm the intrinsic sacredness of all human life, and we reject the notion that abortion, the deliberate killing of unborn children, is the "right" of any human being, male or female, or of any government. Such a distorted and corrosive notion of individual freedom is, in fact, inimical to authentic Christianity and to the establishment and maintenance of a just social order.We stand firmly with you in your commitment to defend the most defenseless among us; and we pray that your opposition to abortion, euthanasia and similar assaults against human life will be strengthened, not weakened, by the opposition that you encountered last week - and which you will almost certainly have to face again.
Sincerely yours,
Helen Hull Hitchcock, President
Women for Faith & Family
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