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Women for Faith & Family issues occasional public statements on matters of concern to Catholic women, their families or religious communities. These statements are listed below in chronological order, beginning with the most recent.
Updated June 27, 2013
WFF statement June 27, 2013 -- Supreme Court Decisions -- Faith, and Family
WFF statement April 5, 2013 -- Contraceptive mandate
* Federal Regulations Document: CMS-2012-0031-63161
The content of your message is as follows:
Women for Faith & Family, representing about 50,000 Catholic women in the United States, urges your support for the conscience rights of all religious organizations.
The Administration's new proposed rule does little to correct the underlying problems in its contraceptive mandate, which continues to violate many Americans' right of religious freedom. The rule exempts only an extremely narrow set of religious employers, primarily "houses of worship." Almost all private health plans must cover sterilization and all FDA-approved "contraceptives," including drugs that can cause abortion, as well as "education and counseling" promoting these to women and girls. This coverage will be imposed "automatically" even on the employees of many religious organizations and their children. Employers and employees will lose their right to seek health coverage that respects their values. We urge you to allow all organizations and individuals to offer, sponsor and obtain health coverage that does not violate their moral and religious convictions.
Sincerely, Helen Hull Hitchcock,
Director Women for Faith & FamilyWFF statement March 13, 2013 -- Women for Faith & Famiily supports the Holy See at UN CSW
We support the Holy See and her allies at the UN Commission on the Status of Women, especially with regard to:
1. Upholding the inherent right to life for all human beings.
2. Opposing violence against women and girls, from conception to natural death, including abortion, trafficking and domestic violence.
3. Protecting women and girls from sexual exploitation and risky sexual behavior.
4. Defending cultural and religious beliefs which uphold these principles.At the UN Commission on the Status of Women, the Holy See speaks for us.
Helen Hull Hitchcock, Director, Women for Faith & Family
November 6, 2012 Election, November 2012
WFF urges support of Respect for Rights of Conscience Act - September 26, 2011 -- updated January 31, 2012
Statement on Bishops and Theologians and the Quest for Truth, April 19, 2011 -- Updated November 2, 2011
WFF Statement on Health Care Reform Proposal, March 18, 2010
WFF Statement: Opposition to Rescinding Provider Conscience Regulation, 73 Fed. Reg. 50274, April 10, 2009
WFF Statement on President Obama’s Executive Order Removing Barriers to Responsible Scientific Research Involving Human Stem Cells, March 9, 2009
Statement of Principles Regarding Catholic Institutions, Sanctity of Life and Political Engagement , Cardinal Newman Society Website, Posted on Catholic & Politics page, February 27, 2008 United Nations Commission on the Status of Women -- Beijing Platform for Action, March 2,2005 Taking a stand against causing death, March 2,2005 Catholics and Political Responsibility May 8, 2004 Statement supporting the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act - May 26, 2004 "Wall of Shame" -- Jefferson City, MO -- Press Release 2/26/2004 Women for Faith & Family sent a letter of support to Missouri pro-life legislators whose pictures were displayed as a "Wall of Shame" in the rotunda of the Missouri Capitol building at a pro-abortion rally on February 17. 43 Catholic Universities and Colleges sponsoring the V-Monologues "V-Monologues" on Catholic campuses: Why won't they just say NO? [Update 2/2005] Statement on "Faithful St. Louis" - a spin-off of "Voice of the Faithful", meeting in St. Louis -- September 21, 2002 Special Report! UN-Silent Spring Coercive "reproductive rights" agendas make dramatic advance at United Nations and International Criminal Court, as Catholic Church's credibility plummets- TIMELINE - June 20, 2002 WFF on Missouri "Equal Rights" Amendment - (A letter to Missouri legislators) - March, 2001 Statement on the United Nations' "Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women [CEDAW] - May 25. 2000 WFF Statement on "Catholics for a Free Choice" UN demands - Spring 1999 Statement on the US bishops' committee report, "Always Our Children" - October 1997 Statement on Ordinatio Sacerdotalis - (On the Ordination of Priests) May 30, 1994 Statement on US involvement in the UN Conference on Population - Cairo - August 1994 Statement on Feminism, Language and Liturgy - April 18, 1989 (Revised in 1995) Testimony from Women for Faith & Family to the Synod on the Laity - 1987 WFF is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Donations are tax deductible.
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