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Prayers & Devotions
March 2016
Year C - Weekdays IIPope's Intentions
1 Deuteronomy 3:25, 34-43
Matthew 18:21-35Violet
2 Deuteronomy 4:1, 5-9
Matthew 5:17-19Violet
3 Saint Katharine Drexel Jeremiah 7:23-28
Luke 11:14-23Violet
4 Saint Casimir Hosea 14:2-10
Mark 12:28-34Violet
5 Hosea 6:1-6
Luke 18:9-14Violet
6 Lætare Sunday Joshua 5:9a, 10-12
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
7 St Perpetua & St Felicity Isaiah 65:17-21
John 4:43-54
8 St John of God
Ezekiel 47:1-9, 12
John 5:1-16
9 St Frances of Rome Isaiah 49:8-15
John 5:17-30Violet
10 Exodus 32:7-14
John 5:31-47Violet
11 Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22
John 7:1-2, 10, 25-30Violet
12 Jeremiah 11:18-20
John 7:40-53Violet
Isaiah 43:16-21
Philippians 3:8-14
John 8:1-11Violet
Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62
John 8:12-20Violet
15 Numbers 21:4-9
John 8:21-30Violet/Rose
16 Isaiah 65:17-21
John 4:43-54Violet
17 Saint Patrick Genesis 17:3-9
John 8:51-59Violet
18 Saint Cyril of Jerusalem Jeremiah 20:10-13
John 10:31-42Violet
19 Saint Joseph 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16
Romans 4:13,16-18, 22
Matthew 1:16,18-21, 24a or Luke 2:41-51aWhite
Luke 19:28-40
Isaiah 50:4-7
Philippians 2:6-11
Luke 22:14-23:56 or 23:1-49Red
21 Monday of Holy Week
Isaiah 42:1-7
John 12:1-11Violet
22 Tuesday of Holy Week Isaiah 49:1-6
John 13:21-33,36-38[Blessed Clemens August von Galen]
23 Wednesday of Holy Week Isaiah 50:4-9a
Matthew 26:14-25Violet
24 Holy Thursday Chrism Mass*: Isaiah 61:1-3ab, 6a, 8b-9
Revelation 1:5-8
Luke 4:16-21The Lord's Supper: Exodus 12:1-8, 11*-14
1 Corinthians 11:23-26
John 13:1-15Violet/*White
25 Good Friday Isaiah 52:13-53:12
Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9
John 18:1-19:42Red
26 Holy Saturday
Vigil*: Genesis 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a
Genesis 22:1-18 or 22:1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18
Exodus 14:15-15:1
Isaiah 54:5-14
Isaiah 55:1-11
Baruch 3:9-15, 32-4:4
Ezekiel 36:16-17a, 18-28
Romans 6:3-11
Luke 24:1-12Violet/Mass:White
27 Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord
Acts 10:34a, 37-43
Colossians 3:1-4 or 1 Corinthians 5:6b-8
John 20:1-9
or Luke 24:1-12or at afternoon or evening mass Luke 24:13-35
28 Monday within the Octave of Easter
Acts 2:14, 22-33
Matthew 28:8-15White
29 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 2:36-41
John 20:11-18
30 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3:1-10
Luke 24:13-35White
31 Thursday within the Octave of Easter Acts 3:11-26
Luke 24:35-48White
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