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Voices Online Edition -- Vol. XXII, No. 2
Pentecost 2007Cathy Cleaver Ruse to Address "Dinner of Hope"
WFF to Co-Sponsor Pro-Life Benefit EventCathy Cleaver Ruse, Senior Fellow for Legal Studies at the Family Research Council, and former chief spokesman for the Pro-Life Committee of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, will be the featured speaker and honoree at a Dinner of Hope, co-sponsored by Our Lady of Guadalupe Cenacle for Life and Women for Faith & Family.
The candlelight dinner, which will benefit pro-life work in the St. Louis area, will be held October 6, at the St. Anselm Parish Centre in St. Louis.
During her years at the USCCB, Mrs. Ruse played a prominent role in promoting the dignity of all human life. She was also Chief Counsel to the Constitution Subcommittee in the House of Representatives, where she handled civil rights and human rights issues. Mrs. Ruse has published scholarly legal articles on a variety of constitutional issues, and filed “friend of the court” briefs with the US Supreme Court in cases involving abortion, euthanasia, and pornography.
Last year, she was a spokesman for an organization that opposed Missouri “Amendment 2”, which gave free-reign to embryonic stem-cell research.
She received her law degree from Georgetown University. She is married to Austin Ruse, president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute and the Culture of Life Foundation. They have one young daughter, Lucy, and live in Arlington, Virginia.
The dinner will follow Mass at the St. Louis Abbey Church and a procession with the Missionary Image of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Proceeds will benefit the Birthright office at St. Patrick’s/Partnership Center and Our Lady’s Inn. This will be the sixth year that the Cenacle has sponsored a fund-raising dinner; and the first year WFF has been a co-sponsor.
For more information about the event, and to make reservations, contact dinner chairman, Martha Rowe: [email protected] or phone 314-469-4874.
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