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US Conference of Catholic Bishops complementary norm
Canon 891 - Age for Confirmation
On November 15, 2000, the Latin Rite de iure members of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops approved complementary legislation for canon 891 of the Code of Canon Law for the Latin Rite dioceses of the United States.
The action was granted recognitio by the Congregation for Bishops in accord with article 82 of the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus and issued by decree of the Congregation for Bishops signed by His Eminence Giovanni Battista Cardinal Re, Prefect, and His Excellency Most Reverend Franciscus Monterisi, Secretary, and dated May 9, 2001.
Complemenary Norm: The National Conference of Catholic Bishops, in accord with the prescriptions of canon 891, hereby decrees that the Sacrament of Confirmation in the Latin Rite shall be conferred between the age of discretion and about sixteen years of age, within the limits determined by the diocesan bishop and with regard for the legitimate exceptions given in canon 891.
As President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, I hereby decree that the effective date of this decree for all the Latin Rite dioceses in the United States will be July 1, 2002.
Given at the offices of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops in Washington, DC, on August 21, 2001.
Most Reverend Joseph A. Fiorenza
Bishop of Galveston-Houston
President, USCCBReverend Monsignor William P. Fay
General SecretaryFebruary 28, 2002 Copyright © by United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
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