May 2003 - December 2005
Breaking News Archive is a reference source for important news items featured on Breaking News page.
Posted November 29, 2005
Link to VIS Story, 11/29/2005 -- "Instruction Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders."Posted November 29, 2005
Link to VIS Story, 11/29/2005-- Plenary Indulgence for Solemnity Immaculate ConceptionPosted November 22, 2005
Do Not Sign Cloning Petition (PDF File)
Posted Nov. 21, 2005 -- Missouri Catholic Conference - Do not sign a petition in support of the so-called "Missouri Stem Cell Research and Cures Initiative".Posted August 15, 2005
Is Oocyte Assisted Reprogramming (OAR) A Moral Procedure To Retrieve Embryonic Stem Cells?
William Burke, M.D., Ph.D., Patrick Pullicino, MD, PhD., and The Rev. Edward J. Richard, MS, DThM, JD
August 15, 2005Posted March 14, 2005
Massachusetts Bishops' Statement on the Human Cloning and Research on Human Embryos -- March 2, 2005 [on Massachusetts Bishop Conference website]
Posted March 3, 2005
March 2, 2005Re: United Nations Commission on the Status of Women Beijing Platform for Action
Dear Madam Ambassador,
Women for Faith and Family strongly supports the amendment that says that the Beijing document did NOT create a
right to abortion.Sincerely,
Helen Hull Hitchcock, President
Women for Faith & Family
PO Box 300411, St. Louis, MO 63130
Ph: 314-863-8385; Fax: 314-863-5858
WFF web site:
Posted March 3, 2005
From: USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2005 11:53:04 -0500
Subject: Statement on Parental Notice Before Teen's Abortion Hearing
DATE: March 3, 2005
FROM: William Ryan
O: 202-541-3200
BISHOPS' SPOKESWOMAN Applauds HEARING ON Law requiring PARENTS TO BE NOTIFIED BEFORE A TEEN'S ABORTIONWASHINGTON-- Today the Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee holds the first hearing on The Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act, H.R. 748. The bill was introduced by Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fl.) with 105 original cosponsors. This Act would require abortion doctors to notify parents before doing abortions on teenaged girls from out-of-state unless parental involvement or judicial authorization under the girl's home state law has been satisfied.
"It is wrong to take a child away from her parents to another state for a secret abortion, yet abortion advocates support this practice and admit that it happens all the time," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq., Director of Planning and Information for the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "The overwhelming majority of Americans believe parents should be involved in abortion decisions involving their teenaged daughters.
"This horrible practice exposes teens to the dangers of surgery without the benefit of their medical records or history, and without necessary medical follow-up, said Ruse. "We applaud the House Constitution Subcommittee for conducting today's hearing on the Act, and urge the Congress to pass this law to help to protect vulnerable girls from exploitation.
USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat
Posted February 18, 2005
Catholic Women's Statement on the Monologues --
Cardinal Newman Society's statement and link to add your signature.Posted February 8, 2005
Presentation of the Instruction about Norms in Marriage Cases
Click title to read VNS storyPosted February 8, 2005
Cardinal Newman Society Fights to Halt Monologues at 30 Colleges
Performances of filthy play decline in fourth year of CNS protest
Click title to read the News Action Alert from the Cardinal Newman Society.
Posted December 13, 2004
Austin Ruse, of C-FAM calls for applications to serve as a lobbyist to uphold the right to life at the United Nations. Following are excerpts from his letter. For more information contact Austin Ruse at C-FAM: <[email protected]>
"We are now accepting applications for 50 citizen-lobbyists to come to UN headquarters in New York to assist the UN pro-life coaltion in once more stopping radical efforts to universalize abortion, and much else.
"We are looking for capable people from all over the world. We want those from Latin America, Africa, the Far East, Australia, Europe and North America...everywhere!!!
"You will pay your own way and find your own place to stay, but....
"You will work closely with the international pro-life movement. You will be trained. You will directly lobby UN diplomats. You will have a life changing experience. You will make a difference.
"If you are interested, send a reply email to me and include:
Your name
Your address (including country)
Your telephone number
Your email address
Affiliation with any pro-life groups
Any prior UN lobbying experience
Any prior EU lobbying experiencePriority consideration with be given:
If you have prior experience with UN lobbying If you can come for the full two weeks from February 28-March 11 If you can come for the full second week, March 7 - 11
Friends, you are needed in New York. Answer quickly. Your deadline for applying to us is December 24.
Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse - President C-FAM
PS We also have a limited number of positions for young people, college
age and up.
Posted December 9, 2004
DATE: December 9, 2004
FROM: William Ryan
O: 202-541-3200
H: 202-686-1824
WASHINGTON Yesterday President Bush signed into law a federal spending bill which includes a provision prohibiting discrimination against hospitals and health care providers who choose not to provide or participate in abortions. The provision is known as the "Hyde-Weldon Conscience Protection Amendment," sponsored by Reps. Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) and Dave Weldon (R-Fl.).
"We applaud President Bush's recognition that hospitals and other health care providers have a right to choose not to be involved in destroying life, said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq., Director of Planning and Information for the USCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "Over a million abortions are done every year by willing abortion providers in this country. It is outrageous to suggest that Catholic health care providers and others with moral objections should be forced into the practice of abortion.
Federal law already protected "health care entities" from having to perform or provide for abortions, but that law had been misinterpreted to protect only residency training programs. The Hyde-Weldon Amendment was needed so that individual physicians, hospitals, health plans, nurses, and other health care participants who choose not to do abortions would also be protected.
The USCCB spokesperson was not surprised that abortion activists have already threatened legal action against the new law. "When abortion activists fail to achieve a goal the democratic way, as they so often do, they turn to the courts to achieve it the undemocratic way," she said. "The irony here is that the champions of 'choice' say doctors should have no choice when it comes to abortion. But no one should be forced to participate in abortion."
Posted November 10, 2004
USCCB Pro-Life SecretariatDATE: November 10, 2004
FROM: William Ryan
O: 202-541-3200
Washington-A spokeswoman for the Pro-Life Secretariat of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops praised Attorney General John Ashcroft's petition to the Supreme Court in the Oregon assisted suicide case. The petition asks for a reversal of the 9th Circuit Appeals Court ruling which approved Oregon's use of federally controlled drugs to assist suicides.
"Suicide among the elderly and those suffering from serious illness or disability is not a 'medical practice' but a tragic public health problem deserving a thoughtful, caring response," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq. "We applaud the Justice Department's vigorous defense of the law, which protects the integrity of the medical profession and especially patients whose lives are most vulnerable."
The Ashcroft directive reversed a previous Clinton Administration decision to allow Oregon doctors to exempt themselves from federal law and prescribe lethal doses of federally controlled substances. It restores the uniform enforcement of the longstanding federal Controlled Substances Act, and clarifies that aggressive pain management is legitimate medical care even where it unintentionally increases the likelihood of a patient's death.
"Federally controlled drugs should be used to heal and comfort patients, not to kill them," Ruse said. "No patient must ever be made to feel that her life is expendable."
October 17, 2004
Year of the Eucharist begins - READ Pope John Paul II's Encyclical - Ecclesia de Eucharistia and Apostolic Letter, Mane Nobiscum Domine, released October 7 - on this site.Posted September 5, 2004
Pro-abortion UN Human Rights Commissioner Keynotes Conference of Religious Leaders:
Combat "Christian fundamentalisms", she urgesThe keynote speaker at a recent joint conference for leaders of US religious orders of men and women was former Irish president and United Nations Human Rights Commissioner Mary Robinson, an outspoken proponent of abortion as a "woman's right" and special rights for homosexuals. She addressed the joint meeting Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) and the Conference of Major Superiors of Men (CMSM) in Fort Worth, Texas, August 20.
UN Commissioner Robinson encouraged the Catholic leaders of religious orders to "combat the resurgence of fundamentalisms." She said, "We need to be aware that a certain threat to women's rights is also posed by the resurgence, particularly in the United States, of Christian fundamentalism, and the alliance of countries influenced by fundamentalist thinking evident at recent world conferences".
Neither the CMSM and the LCWR is known for "fundamenalist thinking" in support of Catholic doctrine or moral teaching. Notably the Conference of Major Superiors of Women Religious (CMSWR), a third group of religious communities founded as an alternative to the LCWR's consistent fostering of dissent and feminist "rights" demands, does not participate in these joint sessions.
LifeSite News interviewed representatives from both LCWR and CMSM who claimed that the selection of Mary Robinson was cleared by the USCCB. But USCCB officials dispute the claim.
"We were in dialogue with the bishops' conference over that. And because we were not giving her an award or anything like that it was just a keynote address on the issue of violence. We received no indication from the bishops' conference that there was a problem with this", said Stan De Boe, OSST, Communications Coordinator/Justice and Peace Director for CMSM. "We made sure we were clearing all that through the bishops' conference".
Sister Annmarie Sanders, Director of Communications for the LCWR, said, "We have great respect for Dr. Robinson's work over the years with human rights and we had checked her background out with sources at the USCCB and there was no indication that there would be any problem having her speak to us."
Sister Mary Ann Walsh, Deputy Director of theUSCCB Department of Communications told LifeSite, "I'm not aware that we okay speakers for LCWR/CMSM". Cathy Cleaver Ruse, spokesman for the USCCB's Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities said, "No one from LCWR/CMSM called our offices regarding Mary Robinson".
Source: LifeSite News and Catholic World Report -
Posted August 23, 2004
A Brief War Primer
by James V. Schall, S. J.Editor's Note: Since September 11, 2001, the United States and other countries have been involved in what has been termed a "war on terrorism". There has been much serious discussion among Catholics, especially after the war in Iraq began, about the justification for war, and the present conflict in particular.
In this essay, Father James Schall, professor of politicial science at Georgetown University, offers insightful observations on this unique conflict, which he says is "at its heart a 'civilizational' war". The essay appears here with the author's permission.
Click title for the article
Posted August 4, 2004
NOTICE - Defense of Marriage - Missouri Vote on August 3rd Passed!
"Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended so that to be valid and recognized in this state, a marriage shall exist only between a man and a woman?
"The estimated fiscal impact of this proposed measure to state and local governments is $0."
Posted August 4, 2004
DATE: August 3, 2004
FROM: David Early
O 202-541-3200
WASHINGTON - This week the U.S. Department of Justice filed an appeal of a June ruling by a federal judge in the Northern District of California declaring the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in violation of Roe v. Wade.
"The American Medical Association says that partial-birth abortion is never medically necessary," said Gail Quinn, Executive Director of the Catholic bishops' Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "To say that it is a fundamental constitutional right, as the federal judge in California did," said Quinn, "makes a mockery of the Constitution."
"We commend the U.S. Department of Justice for appealing this dreadful decision. There is no place in a civilized society for this cruel and dangerous practice," said Quinn
USCCB Pro-Life SecretariatPosted July 15, 2004
From: "Austin Ruse -- Culture of Life Foundation"
[email protected]
Reply-To: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 14 Jul 2004 12:38:23 -0700
To: Women for Faith & Family
Subject: Marriage Vote Fails in US Senate
Dear Colleague,
The vote in the US Senate in favor of marriage has failed. The final vote was 48 in favor and 50 against. The vote was a procedurual vote that would have led to a vote on the amendment itself.
Do not be deflated, friends. This is the first skirmish in what will be a protracted battle. Remember the civil rights movement of the 1960s. Those in favor of civil rights for black Americans lost time and again in the Congress, but they never gave up. What they did was to make their case day by day, door to door, all over this country and they kept going back to the Congress until they prevailed.
What this vote today accomplished is that we know our friends and we know our opponents. It is vital that we shore up our friends and that we convince our opponents. I urge you to call your Senators and thank them if they voted in favor and if they didn't, let them know your disappoval.
The battle will continue in the coming weeks in the Senate and in the House. Stay tuned.
Here is below is a list of the Senators and how they voted.
Very best,
Austin Ruse
Culture of Life Foundation
Vote Counts:YEAs
50Not Voting
2Alexander (R-TN)
Allard (R-CO)
Allen (R-VA)
Bennett (R-UT)
Bond (R-MO)
Brownback (R-KS)
Bunning (R-KY)
Burns (R-MT)
Byrd (D-WV)
Chambliss (R-GA)
Cochran (R-MS)
Coleman (R-MN)
Cornyn (R-TX)
Craig (R-ID)
Crapo (R-ID)
DeWine (R-OH)
Dole (R-NC)
Domenici (R-NM)
Ensign (R-NV)
Enzi (R-WY)
Fitzgerald (R-IL)
Frist (R-TN)
Graham (R-SC)
Grassley (R-IA)
Gregg (R-NH)
Hagel (R-NE)
Hatch (R-UT)
Hutchison (R-TX)
Inhofe (R-OK)
Kyl (R-AZ)
Lott (R-MS)
Lugar (R-IN)
McConnell (R-KY)
Miller (D-GA)
Murkowski (R-AK)
Nelson (D-NE)
Nickles (R-OK)
Roberts (R-KS)
Santorum (R-PA)
Sessions (R-AL)
Shelby (R-AL)
Smith (R-OR)
Specter (R-PA)
Stevens (R-AK)
Talent (R-MO)
Thomas (R-WY)
Voinovich (R-OH)
Warner (R-VA)Akaka (D-HI)
Baucus (D-MT)
Bayh (D-IN)
Biden (D-DE)
Bingaman (D-NM)
Boxer (D-CA)
Breaux (D-LA)
Campbell (R-CO)
Cantwell (D-WA)
Carper (D-DE)
Chafee (R-RI)
Clinton (D-NY)
Collins (R-ME)
Conrad (D-ND)
Corzine (D-NJ)
Daschle (D-SD)
Dayton (D-MN)
Dodd (D-CT)
Dorgan (D-ND)
Durbin (D-IL)
Feingold (D-WI)
Feinstein (D-CA)
Graham (D-FL)
Harkin (D-IA)
Hollings (D-SC)
Inouye (D-HI)
Jeffords (I-VT)
Johnson (D-SD)
Kennedy (D-MA)
Kohl (D-WI)
Landrieu (D-LA)
Lautenberg (D-NJ)
Leahy (D-VT)
Levin (D-MI)
Lieberman (D-CT)
Lincoln (D-AR)
McCain (R-AZ)
Mikulski (D-MD)
Murray (D-WA)
Nelson (D-FL)
Pryor (D-AR)
Reed (D-RI)
Reid (D-NV)
Rockefeller (D-WV)
Sarbanes (D-MD)
Schumer (D-NY)
Snowe (R-ME)
Stabenow (D-MI)
Sununu (R-NH)
Wyden (D-OR)Edwards (D-NC)
Kerry (D-MA)
Posted July 14, 2004
From: USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat <[email protected]
Date: Mon, 12 Jul 2004 15:33:21 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: UNFPA Committee VoteDATE: July 12, 2004
H -202-686-1824
WASHINGTON Today the House Appropriations Committee defeated by a vote of 32-26 an amendment that would have forced the government to give $25 million to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). The amendment was offered by Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY).
"This is a victory for women and children around the world, and for the U.S. taxpayer," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq., spokesperson for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "The United States should remain out of the business of financing the exploitation of women through coercive programs supported by UNFPA."
Secretary of State Colin Powell on July 21, 2002 denounced the People's Republic of China's regime of severely penalizing women who have "unapproved" births, calling it a "program of coercive abortion." "UNFPA,s support of, and involvement in, China,s population-planning activities allows the Chinese government to implement more effectively its program of coercive abortion," said Powell.
"As long as UNFPA supports these barbaric policies imposed on families, it must remain ineligible for U.S. funding, period," said Ruse.
Gail Quinn, Executive Director of the Pro-Life Secretariat, had urged members of the Committee to vote down the amendment in a letter stating: "Current federal policyreflects a broad international consensus among member nations of the United Nations" which have "condemned 'forced sterilization and forced abortion' as 'acts of violence against women'."
USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat
Also see WFF Statement on UNFPA
Posted June 28, 2004
June 28, 2004
Dear Colleague,
In two weeks the US Senate will vote on the future of marriage. Over the July 4th Senate recess, your US Senator absolutely must hear your views on this vital issue. THIS IS HIGHLY URGENT. IT CANNOT WAIT.
This will be one of the most important phone calls or visits you will make this year.
Here are the reasons marriage needs protecting right now. [Below that is a list of targeted Senators and their IN-STATE office telephone numbers.]
State judges in Massachusetts have set in motion what will bring catastrophe to children, adults and all of society. They have forced their citizens to accept homosexual marriage. This action will eventually, sooner rather than later, force other states to accept same-sex marriage. This will force you to accept homosexual marriage.What the Massachusetts judges have forgotten, what all the proponents of same-sex marriage have forgotten, is that every child has the right to a mother and a father.
Society's experience of the divorce culture over the past few decades abundantly proves the wisdom that every child has the right to a mother and a father. The only coupling that allows for children to know a mother and a father is the one between a man and a woman. Two men cannot provide both mothering and fathering. Neither can two women. Only a man and a woman can provide children with this basic right.
Some will say you are a bigot for supporting the notion that children have a right to a mother and a father. Let them. Move on. They will not be convinced. Where you need to make your voice heard, right now, is in the US Senate.
The US Senate will take up the Federal Marriage Amendment the week of July 12. The Federal Marriage Amendment will ensure the protection of children through the protection of marriage. The Federal Marriage Amendment will ensure what we all know in our bones: that marriage is only and ever the union of one man and one woman.
Over the July 4th Senate recess every US Senator will be in his or her home state. They will be at public meetings. They will be in their home-state offices. It is in their home state where you must be heard. It is where they will listen.
Each of you must contact your Senator no matter where you live. But there is a list of Senators who absolutely must be contacted. The list is just below. This is the list of Senators who have not decided on the question
of protecting traditional marriage and children. These US Senators are sitting on the fence. It is your job to gently move them to the right side.Do not be shy. Call their home state offices and let them know where you stand. Find out where they are publicly appearing and tell them there.
Tell them where you stand on traditional marriage. Tell them that marriage is only for a man and a woman. Tell them that the lives of children are at stake. Tell them that you support the Federal Marriage Amendment.Please friends, be brave. Do it with a friend, your spouse, your children. If you live in any of the following states, you must contact one or both of your Senators over the July 4th Senate recess.
Do it, friend. Our country depends upon your action now.
NUMBERS.Yours sincerely,
Austin Ruse
Culture of Life FoundationPS All US Senators should be contacted, but we are only including those
who are sitting on the fence and MUST be contacted.
List of Targeted Senators and contact information.ALASKA
Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
Main District Office: (907) 271-3735
Fairbanks: (907) 456-0233
Juneau: (907) 586-7400
Kenai: (907) 283-5808
Ketchikan: (907) 225-6880
Wasilla: (907) 376-7665ARIZONA
Senator John McCain (R-AZ)
Main State Office: (602) 952-2410
Tempe: (480) 897-6289
Tucson: (520) 670-6334ARKANSAS
Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-AR)
Main State Office: (501) 375-2993
Ft. Smith: (479) 782-9215
Texarkana: (870) 774-3106
Jonesboro: (870) 910-6896ARKANSAS
Senator Mark Pryor (D-AR)
Main State Office: (501) 324-6336COLORADO
Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-CO)
Main State Office: (303) 843-4100
Colorado Springs: (719) 636-9092
Ft. Collins: (970) 206-1788
Pueblo: (719) 542-6987
Grand Junction: (970) 241-6631
Durango: (970) 385-9877CONNECTICUT
Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT)
Main State Office: (860) 549-8463DELAWARE
Senator Thomas Carper (D-DE)
Main State Office: (302) 674-3308
Georgetown: (302) 856-7690
Wilmington: (302) 573-6291FLORIDA
Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL)
Main State Office: (407) 872-7161
Tallahassee: (850) 942-8415
Tampa: (813) 225-7040
Coral Gables: (305) 536-5999
West Palm Beach: (561) 514-0189
Jacksonville: (904) 346-4500
Ft. Lauderdale: (954) 693-4851GEORGIA
Senator Zell Miller (D-GA)
Main State Office: (404) 347-2202
Moultrie: (229) 985-8113
Savannah: (912) 238-3244
Young Harris: (706) 379-9950INDIANA
Senator Evan Bayh (D-IN)
Main State Office: (317) 554-0750
Evansville: (812) 465-6500
Ft. Wayne: (260) 426-3151
Jeffersonville: (812) 218-2317
Hammond: (219) 852-2763
South Bend: (574) 236-8302INDIANA
Senator Richard Lugar (R-IN)
Main State Office: (317) 226-5555
Jeffersonville: (812) 288-3377
Ft. Wayne: (260) 422-1505
Valparaiso: (219) 548-8035
Evansville: (812) 465-6313LOUISIANA
Senator John Breaux (D-LA)
Main State Office: (504) 589-2531
Baton Rouge: (225) 248-0104
Lafayette: (337) 262-6871
Monroe: (318) 325-3320LOUISIANA
Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA)
Main State Office: (504) 589-2427
Baton Rouge: (225) 389-0395
Shreveport: (318) 676-3085
Lake Charles: (337) 436-6650MAINE
Senator Susan Collins (R-ME)
Main State Office: (207) 945-0417
Augusta: (207) 622-8414
Biddeford: (207) 283-1101
Lewiston: (207) 784-6969
Caribou: (207) 493-7873
Portland: (207) 780-3575MAINE
Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
Main State Office: (207) 874-0883
Auburn: (207) 786-2451
Augusta: (207) 622-8292
Bangor: (207) 945-0432
Biddeford: (207) 282-4144
Presque Isle: (207) 764-5124MICHIGAN
Senator Carl Levin (D-MI)
Main State Office: (313) 226-6020
Saginaw: (989) 754-2494
Lansing: (517) 377-1508
Grand Rapids: (616) 456-2531
Warren: (586) 573-9145
Escanaba: (906) 789-0052
Traverse City: (231) 947-9569MICHIGAN
Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
Main State Office: (517) 203-1760
Traverse City: (231) 929-1031
Flint: (810) 720-4172
Detroit: (313) 961-4330
Grand Rapids: (616) 975-0052
Marquette: (906) 228-8756MINNESOTA
Senator Norm Coleman (R-MN)
Main State Office: (651) 645-0323
Mankato: (507) 625-6800MONTANA
Senator Max Baucus (D-MT)
Main State Office: (406) 657-6790
Helena: (406) 449-5480
Missoula: (406) 329-3123
Kalispell: (406) 756-1150
Bozeman: (406) 586-6104
Butte: (406) 782-8700
Great Falls: (406) 761-1574NEBRASKA
Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE)
Main State Office: (402) 758-8981
Lincoln: (402) 476-1400
Scottsbluff: (308) 632-6032
Kearney: (308) 236-7602NEBRASKA
Senator Ben Nelson (D-NE)
Main State Office: (402) 441-4600
Omaha: (402) 391-3411
Chadron: (308) 260-2278
Scottsbluff: (308) 631-7614NEVADA
Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)
Main State Office: (702) 388-5020
Reno: (775) 686-5750
Carson City: (775) 882-7343NEW HAMPSHIRE
Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH)
Main State Office: (603) 225-7115
Berlin: (603) 752-2604
Manchester: (603) 622-7979
Portsmouth: (603) 431-2171NEW HAMPSHIRE
Senator John Sununu (R-NH)
Main State Office: (603) 647-7500
Portsmouth: (603) 430-9560
Berlin: (603) 752-6074
Claremont: (603) 542-4872NORTH DAKOTA
Senator Kent Conrad (D-ND)
Main State Office: (701) 258-4648
Fargo: (701) 232-8030
Fax: (701) 232-6449
Grand Forks: (701) 775-9601
Minot: (701) 852-0703NORTH DAKOTA
Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND)
Main State Office: (701) 250-4618
Grand Forks: (701) 746-8972
Fargo: (701) 239-5389
Minot: (701) 852-0703OHIO
Senator Mike DeWine (R-OH)
Main State Office: (614) 469-5186
Cincinnati: (513) 763-8260
Cleveland: (216) 522-7272
Toledo: (419) 259-7536
Marietta: (740) 373-2317
Xenia: (937) 376-3080OHIO
Senator George Voinovich (R-OH)
Main State Office: (614) 469-6697
Cleveland: (216) 522-7095
Cincinnati: (513) 684-3265
Toledo: (419) 259-3895
Gallipolis: (740) 441-6410PENNSYLVANIA
Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA)
Main State Office: (215) 597-7200
Erie: (814) 453-3010
Allentown: (610) 434-1444
Wilkes Barre: (570) 826-6255
Harrisburg: (717) 782-3951
Pittsburgh: (412) 644-3400
Scranton: (570) 346-2006RHODE ISLAND
Senator Lincoln Chafee (R-RI)
Main State Office: (401) 453-5294
Newport: (401) 845-0700SOUTH CAROLINA
Senator Ernest Hollings (D-SC)
Main State Office: (803) 765-5731
Charleston: (843) 727-4525
Greenville: (864) 233-5366SOUTH DAKOTA
Senator Thomas Daschle (D-SD)
Main State Office: (605) 334-9596
Aberdeen: (605) 225-8823
Rapid City: (605) 348-7551SOUTH DAKOTA
Senator Tim Johnson (D-SD)
Main State Office: (605) 332-8896
Aberdeen: (605) 226-3440
Rapid City: (605) 341-3990TENNESSEE
Senator Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
Main State Office: (615) 736-5129
Knoxville: (865) 545-4253
Memphis: (901) 544-4224
Chattanooga: (423) 752-5337
Jackson: (731) 423-9344
Blountville: (423) 325-6240WEST VIRGINIA
Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV)
Main State Office: (304) 342-5855WEST VIRGINIA
Senator John Rockefeller IV (D-WV)
Main State Office: (304) 347-5372
Beckley: (304) 253-9704
Fairmont: (304) 367-0122
Martinsburg: (304) 262-9285WYOMING
Senator Craig Thomas (R-WY)
Main State Office: (307) 261-6413
Cheyenne: (307) 772-2451
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United States Representatives
Posted June 23, 2004
From: Mary Jo Anderson
Subject: Urgent action for victory of marriage
Greetings all;
Below is a message I pray each of you will heed---the Marriage Amendment may be heard on the Senate floor on July 15th. Never forget that deconstructors of marriage have no difficulty rallying their troops and appear to speak for the "majority" of Americans. The gay agenda present themselves as "mainstream" and as concerned for civil rights--we must not allow our senators to think that the "gay agenda" speaks for America. Essentially, we are in this vise because one activist federal judge has tried to declare all marriage laws void and homosexual marriage legal.If same-sex unions become the law of the land in just two years jr. high text book units on health and family will present gay "marriages" as part of the norm for marriage and family. Is this what you want for your children and grandchildren?
Thousands of churches will be participating in "Marriage Protection Sunday" on July 11. That will be followed with "Call Your Senator Day" on Monday, July 12. Please ask your pastors to participate.
To underscore the enormity of this battle, I also want to alert you to new language coming out of a Latin American regional meeting sponsored by the UN. Ellen Sauerbrey, US Ambassador to the UN Commission on the Status of
Women is also the head of the US delegation at the Mexico City conference. She reports:
" I am concerned about the implication of sexual rights, because to the best of my knowledge it is a new and undefined concept, one that I have not seen in any major international document."Veterans of international conferences understand that "sexual rights" are pushed by homosexuals seeking gay marriages and sexual autonomy for children. The UN Treaty on the Rights of the Child has already taken the
first steps toward giving children "rights" their parents cannot mitigate.Please act today--and email /fax this info to any and all who might join the battle.
God bless you all,
Mary Jo AndersonYou can sign a petition Alliance - The Official Petition of Alliance for
Marriage Foundation's Federal Marriage Amendment write to your Senators and Representatives:
United States Senators States Representatives
Posted June 23, 2004
From: USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat <[email protected]
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 10:11:04 -0400
To: [email protected]
Subject: Statement on Fetal PainDATE: June 22, 2004
FROM: William Ryan
O: 202-541-3200
WASHINGTON-- Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq., spokesperson for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities, made the following statement today:
"Testimony in recent federal trials concerning the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act highlighted the fact that unborn children experience severe pain during abortions at 20 weeks and beyond. It also revealed that women are kept in the dark about this important information. "An exchange between Judge Richard Casey of the Southern District of New York and one abortion doctor witness is illustrative:
Q: Do you tell [the women] whether or not it will hurt the fetus?A: The intent [is] that the fetus will die during the process of uterine evacuation.
Q: Ma'am, I didn't ask you that, you will deliver the baby partially and then insert a pair of scissors in the base of the fetus' skullDo you tell them whether or not that hurts the fetus?
A: I have never talked to a fetus about whether or not they experience pain.
"According to a pain specialist at the trials, Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand, there will be pain caused to the unborn child, and 'it will be severe and excruciating pain.'"Women deserve to know the truth about this."
Cathy Cleaver Ruse participated in a press conference conducted by Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ) and cosponsors of the Unborn Child Pain Awareness Act (HR442) featuring Dr. Jean Wright, fetal pain expert, to respond to the closing arguments in the New York trial on the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act.
# # # # #
04-118 SEC,CNS,RNS,Crux
USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat
Posted May 30, 2004
US Bishops' Pro-Life Secretariat Criticizes 9th Circuit Approval of Assisted Suicide in
OregonUSCCB (May 27, 2004) -- A spokeswoman for the Pro-Life Secretariat of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops criticized a ruling yesterday by a panel of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, striking down Attorney General John Ashcroft's directive that doctors in Oregon may not misuse federally controlled drugs to assist suicides. The Ashcroft directive had reversed a Clinton Administration decision to allow Oregon doctors to ignore federal law and prescribe lethal doses of federally controlled substances. The decision in the case of Oregon v. Ashcroft will likely be appealed to the Supreme Court.
"Suicide among the elderly and those suffering from serious illness or disability is not a 'medical practice' but a tragic public health problem deserving a thoughtful, caring response," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Esq. "The 9th Circuit has just told these patients that their lives are expendable."
The Ashcroft directive restores the uniform enforcement of the longstanding federal Controlled Substances Act, and also clarifies that aggressive pain management is legitimate medical care even where it unintentionally increases the likelihood of a patient's death.
"This is not about an attempt by the Attorney General to control Oregon law," the spokeswoman said. "Rather, it's about whether Oregon should be able to ignore federal law and at the same time co-opt the federal government into facilitating assisted suicides by providing federal prescribing licenses and federally controlled drugs."
Posted May 26, 2004
Includes WFF statement and statements of sponsorsPosted May 5, 2004
Lab Creates Babies As Stem-Cell Donors
Excerpts below from a story by LINDSEY TANNER, AP Medical WriterCHICAGO - In a growing practice that troubles some ethicists, a Chicago laboratory helped create five healthy babies so that they could serve as stem-cell donors for their ailing brothers and sisters.
The made-to-order infants, from different families, were screened and selected when they were still embryos to make sure they would be compatible donors. Their siblings suffered from leukemia or a rare and potentially
lethal anemia.This is the first time embryo tissue-typing has been done for common disorders like leukemia that are not inherited, and the results suggest that many more children than previously thought could benefit from the technology, said Dr. Anver Kuliev, a Chicago doctor who participated in the research.
"This technology has wide implications in medical practice," Kuliev said Tuesday (May 4) at a news conference.
The Chicago doctors said the healthy embryos that were not matches were frozen for potential future use. But some ethicists said such perfectly healthy embryos could end up being discarded.
"This was a search-and-destroy mission," said Richard Doerflinger of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The chosen embryos "were allowed to be born so they could donate tissue to benefit someone else."
News Archive
Posted April 28, 2004
"Reproductive Freedom is a Gay Issue - Now, More than Ever" says National Gay and Lesbian Task Force: NGLTF Co-Sponsors 'March for Women's Lives'
One of the largest and oldest homosexual-rights activist organizations stated April 23 that abortion and homosexual activity are not only linked, but are two facets of the same issue."For nearly 30 years, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force has considered reproductive freedom a 'gay' issue," said Matt Foreman, executive director of the organization. "Today, that reality is more evident than ever before, as is the necessity that we join together. Our right to have private, consensual sex - won in last summer's U.S. Supreme Court Lawrence v. Texas decision - will be lost if Roe v. Wade falls under the right's persistent onslaught. Likewise, the enemies of reproductive freedom are the very same people we battle every day in trying to win equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. Finally, the Bush Administration's war on gay America - including his support to amend the U.S. Constitution to deny equal marriage rights to our community - is inextricably tied to the administration's assault on reproductive freedom - from 'abstinence only' programs, to the multi-million dollar 'marriage promotion' plan, to his 'every child deserves a mother and a father' mantra."
Foreman's statement, issued just before the much-publicized demonstrations in Washington by pro-abortion groups, appears on the NGLTF web site:
The abortion-homosexuality connection was further emphasized during the April 25 "March for Women", when NGLTF deputy director, Rea Carey, addressed the crowd of demonstrators gathered on the Mall in Washington:
"Today, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people are here marching for women's lives! Our movement and the movement for womens reproductive freedom are sister movements -- and today we take a stand together!
"The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force - along with thousands of other queer people, especially queer young people - march today for Women's Lives!
"We are marching because - like everyone else - we need, deserve, and demand the fundamental right to control and use our bodies without the interference of government."
The legal victories of both movements are mutually dependent, Ms. Carey said.
"We will march today because the constitutional right of all people to have private, consensual sex is inextricably linked to preserving Roe v. Wade. If Roe falls, so does last year's Supreme Court Lawrence v. Texas decision, which struck down sodomy laws.
"We have pro-choice legal victories to thank for our recent legal progress. In fact, our legal legacies depend on each other."
The twin movements must combat common enemies, Ms. Carey stressed, and she urged the "pro-choice" demonstrators to support the NGLTF agenda in the fight for same-sex "marriage":
"the enemies of reproductive freedom are the same enemies of equal rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people. The forces of intolerance have passed into law the so-called "partial birth abortion" ban. Now, for the first time in history, these same elected officials are using an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to exclude gay and lesbian Americans from the promise of equality - from the ability to get married."
Rea Carey's speech was also posted on the NGLTF web site April 26:
Posted April 26, 2004
Wife of Ex-Governor Gray Gives Advice to "Pro-choice" Catholics
In a story on the "March for Women" that was sponsored by pro-abortion organizations and took place yesterday (April 25) in Washington, DC, The San Francisco Chronicle (see link below) quotes the wife of former California Governor Gray Davis:
Former California first lady Sharon Davis said the march underscored California's strong commitment to abortion and reproductive rights -- and suggested that Kerry could win more support from swing voters and Catholics, like herself, who are upset that the church may try to deny them Communion for taking a pro-choice stand.
"As a pro-choice Catholic, I think we should join John Kerry and not accept Communion", she said. "It would be a strong message that we will not be driven out of the church".Mrs. Davis's husband was confronted on this same issue by Bishop William Weigand, of Sacramento in January 2003. Bishop Weigand stated,
"I have to say clearly that anyone - politician or otherwise - who thinks it is acceptable for a Catholic to be pro-abortion is in very great error, puts his or her soul at risk and is not in good standing with the Church. Such a person should have the integrity to acknowledge this and choose of his own volition to abstain from receiving holy Communion until he has a change of heart".
Davis objected to Bishop Weigand's statement and said he would neither stop taking Communion nor renounce legalized abortion, according to a National Catholic Register story (February 6, 2003), which also reported that Davis had canceled two meetings that had been scheduled with the California Conference of Bishops to discuss the matter.
Davis was later forced out of office in a mid-term referendum.
Mrs. Davis may intend to "punish" the Catholic Church; but the action she suggests for "pro-choice" Catholics, abstaining from Communion, would be the honest thing to do. The "strong message" it would send is that they now understand that being given Communion is connected with receiving the doctrine of the Church.
As Cardinal Francis Arinze said Friday (April 23), at a press conference presenting the new Instruction on the discipline of the Liturgy, "if they do not receive, they should not be given".-- Helen Hull Hitchcock
Link to San Francisco Chronicle story: "Huge abortion rights rally - Hundreds of thousands in D.C. pledge to take fight to polls
by Carla Marinucci, Chronicle Political Writer
Monday, April 26, 2004 :
<©2004 San Francisco Chronicle <
Posted April 23, 2004
The Discipline of the Eucharist: Holy See Releases Redemptionis Sacramentum, Norms for Celebration of Mass Instruction on Liturgy, called for in Ecclesia de Eucharistia, is presented at the Vatican on Saint George's Day
By Helen Hull HitchcockPosted April 23, 2004
Cardinal Francis Arinze, the top Vatican cardinal in charge of the sacraments, was asked at a news conference whether priests should refuse communion to a politician who is unambiguously pro-abortion.
"Yes," he replied. "If the person should not receive it, then it should not be given. Objectively, the answer is there."Source and complete story --;[link broken 12/3/2007];
and February 24, 2004
President George W. Bush today called for a Constitutional Amendment protecting marriage.
Click HERE to read President Bush's speech.Women for Faith & Family sends letter of support for President Bush's action.
Posted February 18, 2004
House will Vote on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (Federal Fetal Homicide Bill)
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 2004 -- Click here for complete press release!Media Advisory and Backgrounder:
Congress to vote on Unborn Victims of Violence Act (Federal Fetal Homicide Bill)House will Vote on Bill, Thursday, February 26, 2004; First-ever Senate Action may follow soon -- President Bush Supports Bill -- Senator Kerry opposes it.
This is a media advisory from the National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), Federal Legislation Department, issued Tuesday, February 17, 2004, at 9 a.m. For further information on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act and state fetal homicide laws, visit the NRLC website at, send e-mail to [email protected], or call 202-626-8820.
Posted February 13, 2004
NEW - Online article: Warehousing the Disabled: the case of Ron Wilkison
Note: To whom it may concern: I am writing to thank you for publishing my son's story ...May God Bless All of You. (Click to e-mail Sheryl Wilkison )
Posted February 6, 2004
Springfield, IL -- The Pro-Woman/Pro-Life Introductory Resource Kit, developed by the Elliot Institute, is now available online. Pro-life leaders and others can download these materials free of charge. The kit includes new fact sheets, current research summaries, talking points, and similar resources that are useful for public education and similar outreach. The information is helpful for counselors, students, pro-life activists, or anyone interested in learning more about the impact of abortion on women.
"One of the best kept secrets in the abortion debate is that medical research has conclusively shown that abortion poses significantly greater physical and mental health risks to women than childbirth." said Dr. David C. Reardon, director of the Elliot Institute and host of the new EWTN series "Making Abortion Rare." (www.makingabortion
Reardon said this information is particularly important because public opinion polls have shown that as people become more aware of abortion's harmful effects on women, they are less likely to advise others to abort and they are less likely to support "poor-choice" political candidates.
The resource kit includes 20 documents, including:
** New fact sheets about the aftereffects of abortion, including its psychological and physical risks.
** Media talking points
** Project ideas, including the "Hope & Healing" newspaper insert distribution project and a sample issue of the insert
** "Ending Abortion With Compassion/A Healing Strategy" -- brochure
** "Reversing the Gender Gap" -- booklet
Web site visitors can download resource kit materials at
The Elliot Institute is the nation's leading provider of information on abortion co mplications. These new resources are being made available free of charge to assist pro-life activists and leaders to better educate the general public about these new research findings.
"Every pro-life leader should have these new fact sheets in their files," Reardon said. "These provide the latest information that should be worked into every organization's educational materials."
Reardon is asking those who are convinced of the importance of abortion complications on the political debate over abortion to call or email their local, county, or state organizations involved in pro-life or pro-family education, post-abortion ministry, or pregnancy center services to make sure they have downloaded these new fact sheets. "The key to public education is a clear, consistent, and up-to-date message. These materials will help any pro-life organization to bring their own educational efforts up to the cutting edge."
The Elliot Institute promotes research and education on the effect s of abortion on women, men, families, and society. The organization seeks to raise public awareness of the impact of abortion and the need for post-abortion healing, to encourage those struggling with past abortions, and to promote a movement that is truly both pro-woman and pro-life.
More information, including this news release, can be found at
Posted February 4, 2004
Warehousing the Disabled: the case of Ron Wilkison
A little over four years ago, on September 30, 1999, Ron Wilkison's life changed forever. The 31-year-old New Castle, Pennsylvania, native was on the job about an hour south of St. Louis, Missouri, driving for Midwest Delivery. Unable to stop in time, Ron's vehicle skidded onto a four-lane highway and collided with a tractor-trailer. The outlook for Ron was grave: He survived, but suffered a severe brain injury.Ultimately, what made Ron's future so precarious was not his actual injury, but the warped way society and many in the medical community increasingly view victims of debilitating brain injuries....
NOTE: to read the rest of this story, click on the link above.
Posted January 19, 2004
January 18, 2004 National Sanctity of Human Life Day
By the President of the United States of America
A Proclamation - signed January 15, 2004
Link: January 17, 2004
U.S. HOUSE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE TO VOTE JANUARY 21 ON UNBORN VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE ACTThe Judiciary Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives will vote on Wednesday, January 21, on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act (H.R. 1997), also known as "Laci and Conner's Law," sponsored by Congresswoman Melissa Hart (R-Pa.). This bill would recognize as a legal victim any "child in utero" who is injured or killed during the commission of a federal crime of violence.
The bill defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."
For further information on the Unborn Victims of Violence Act or state fetal homicide laws, contact National Right to Life Committee at 202-626-8820 or [email protected], or visit the NRLC website at January 14, 2004
New Research Shows Dangers of Condoms in HIV PreventionAvailability of condoms statistically increase promiscuity and risk of contracting HIV according to medical experts who presented their findings on the "ABC" approach to the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Washington, DC last week. The presentations, hosted by the Medical Institute for Sexual Health, were critical of the insistence by some NGOs and policy makers that the "C" (condom) approach will stem the tide of the pandemic.
"20 years into the pandemic there is no evidence that more condoms leads to less AIDS", stated Dr. Edward C. Green of Harvard's' Center for Population and Development Studies. Citing data on condom availability in many African counties, Green went on to say that "we are not seeing what we expected: that higher levels of condom availability result in lower HIV prevalence." Dr. Norman Hearst of the University of California-San Francisco supported this analysis with statistics on Kenya, Botswana, and other countries, which show an increasingly alarming pattern of increased condom sale correlation with rising HIV prevalence by year.
Promotion of the "safe-sex" message has reportedly increased numbers of sexual partners. The spread of HIV is a behavioral problem, according to Green, who said that "having multiple sexual partners drives AIDS epidemics. If people did not have multiple sex partners, epidemics would not develop or, once developed, be sustained." He continued, "over a lifetime, it is the number of sexual partners [that matter]. Condom levels are found to be non-determining of HIV infection levels."Unfortunately, Hearst stated, we are "raising a generation of young people in Africa that believe that condoms will prevent HIV." This is concerning because condoms are not 100% effective, even when used properly. According to Hearst, "the most recent Met-analysis came up with 80%. But even if it is 90%, over time it's the question of when, not if. You don't want to give people a false sense of security and A and B are better in the long term."
In other cases, often reported by proponents of the safe-sex message, countries such as Thailand saw incidence rates for HIV decrease after the government mandated 100% condom use in brothels. Unfortunately, according to Hearst and Stoneburner, proponents rarely look closer at the data, and in such instances behavior change had much more to do with the decreased rates of transmission. "This is usually attributed to 100% condom use, but visits to sex workers declined by 60%. They did so out of fear and risk avoidance."
It is the behavior change advocated by the "A" and "B" approach that is additionally supported by data, such as in the famed Uganda case. According to Dr. Rand Stoneburner (formerly of the WHO and an independent advisor to USAID), "declines of HIV in Uganda are linked to behavior change [and] include primary risk avoidance with a 65% decline in casual sex." The Ugandan government, which promoted abstinence and faithfulness, helped bring about a 75% decline in HIV prevalence among 15-19 age group, 60% in the 20-24, and a 54% decline overall by 1998.
Stoneburner and others believe the change was due to different language used. In Uganda, President Museveni reportedly repeated to Ugandans "you are going to die if you don't stop this!" whereas in other countries, there is little talk of death. Stoneburner pointed out "25% of South Africans don't believe HIV causes AIDS" and in many countries "they do not talk about death links to AIDS." This information proves the unfortunate effectiveness of the "safe sex" message that increasingly places individuals at risk for HIV transmission and STDs worldwide.
(This story reprinted with permission from Culture & Cosmos, a publication of the Culture of Life Foundation,
Posted January 12, 2004
Pastoral Letter - On the Dignity of Human Life and Civic Responsibility Bishop Raymond Burke (Nov. 23, 2003).
Posted December 17, 2003
Bishops' Official Calls FDA Ruling on "Plan B" Emergency Contraceptives a 'Reckless Experiment' on Women (December 17, 2003) -- The federal Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs voted yesterday to approve a proposal to make Plan B, a levonorgestrel-only
"morning after pill," available without a prescription. The final decision rests with the Food and Drug Administration. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) filed written comments against the proposal."A drug which destroys human embryos and puts women at greater risk of ectopic pregnancy does not belong on the shelves of a drug store," said Cathy Cleaver Ruse, Director of Planning and Information for the USCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. "American women and children do not deserve this reckless experiment on their lives."
The petition for the switch in status was filed by Women's Capital Corporation, a for-profit drug company which has sold the Plan B distribution rights to Barr Laboratories. "This is about a drug company that wants to sell more drugs to women," said Ruse. "It is being marketed and advertised as a contraceptive, but it works before and after conception.
Women deserve to know what is being marketed to them."Making this drug available without a prescription also poses serious health risks to women, since the drug is associated with an increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, a potentially fatal complication.
Proponents of the proposal claim that the drug does not terminate a pregnancy because pregnancy is defined by some as beginning when the embryo implants in the uterine wall. "This is an argument about rhetoric, not reality," said Ruse.
"There is a difference between preventing new human life and destroying life that has already begun," Ruse noted. "This drug company and its allies may argue that this distinction makes no difference, but to many women it is a very meaningful distinction," said Ruse. "Women are being misled about this drug, and putting it on the shelves of a drugstore would only exacerbate the problem."
Minor girls will have free access to Plan B without their parents' knowledge if the proposal is approved. "Parents deserve to know that if this proposal is approved, their teenaged daughters will have free access to a powerful abortion-inducing drug without their knowledge," Ruse said. "This is bad policy and bad medicine."
"The FDA must reject this reckless experiment," she said.
Click HERE for a summary of the USCCB comments against the proposal on WFF web site.
Posted December 9, 2003
Pope John Paul II's Prayer on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
After placing a crown at the feet of a statue of the Virgin Mary, yesterday, Pope John Paul II prayed, in psty, "Together we lift our confident and sorrowful petition to you, the first fruit of humanity redeemed by Christ, finally freed from the slavery of evil and sin: hear the cry of the pain of victims of war and so many forms of violence that bloody the earth." (See prayer on Immaculate Conception page.) (Source: Vatican Information Service)
Posted December 5, 2003
Opposition to homosexual marriage on rise
Poll: 63% back traditional definition, despite legalization efforts
Worldnet Daily - Thursday, December 4, 2003 - (excerpt)
A new poll suggests Canadian lawmakers could be putting the cart before the horse when it comes to legalizing homosexual marriage. The survey by the National Post shows Canadians' opposition to the idea has markedly increased in recent months, with a solid majority now against same-sex marriage.Conducted by COMPAS Inc. in October and November, the poll found 63 percent of those surveyed want to keep the traditional definition of marriage, or a union between a man and a woman, while 31 percent favor including homosexuals.
That compares to an almost even split in other polls taken this past summer and fall, reports the Post. The last major poll on the issue, by Environics in September and October, found that 56 percent supported same-sex marriage and 42 percent opposed it. An Ipsos-Reid survey in August found respondents were evenly divided, 49-49, on the question.Click to read complete story:
Posted November 24, 2003
Interview with Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo concerning condom use
President of the Pontifical Council for the Family on Dutch radio program - October 20, 2003
"We see that the only way to contain [the AIDS] pandemic is precisely fidelity in marriage, respect for women, what we call chastity, which is not impossible."
Posted November 17, 2003
14th Annual - All Night Life Vigil - Adoration to the Blessed Sacrament. Monday, December 8th, 9:00 PM through Tuesday, December 9th 1:00 AM National Night of Prayer for Life will be once again uniting parishes in an effort to end abortion through Eucharistic Adoration and prayers for reparation. The "Hour of Unity" is from 12 midnight EST to 1:00 AM EST, so that all the parishes in the four time zones can be linked in prayer across the country. For more information contact:
All-Night Life Vigil
c/o Anne Murphy
365 Clift Street
Central Islip, NY 11722
Phone and Fax: 631-234-6921
Women for Faith & Family has Novenas for the Protection of the Unborn (available in English and Spanish versions) and Adoremus has Eucharistic Adoration booklets (to order see the Catalog page.)
Posted November 5, 2003
President Bush Signs Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 2003 [The President's Remarks]
President George W. Bush signed the Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act at the The Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C.this morning. (President Reagan had opposed abortion.) New York Cardinal Egan attended the signing. Click title above to read the President's remarks.
Posted October 20, 2003
Strong Euthanasia Warning from Holland -- Florida's Terri Case Opens the Door for Euthanasia in the USA
"Patients are not sure if the doctor helps to kill or to cure. The Dutch Euthanasia Law is a very dangerous example to follow".
Posted October 15, 2003
Cardinal Alfonso López Trujillo of the Pontifical Council for the Family Explains Problems with the Use of Condoms for AIDS Prevention Click here for the complete interview.Letter to Governor George Bush requesting intervention for Terri Schiavo. (See related stories below and on About Medicine & Morality)
Posted September 30, 2003
Arlington Priests Sign Letter Supporting Celibacy
Ninety priests of the Diocese of Arlington, Virginia, have sent a letter in strong support of mandatory priestly celibacy to Bishop Wilton D. Gregory of Belleville, Illinois, President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.In the letter, dated September 27, the priests rejected a proposal advanced by Milwaukee priests in August that called for the ordination of married men in order to generate more vocations to the priesthood. The Arlington priests wrote that "what will inspire more vocations is celibacy lived well, not celibacy set aside".
Citing Vatican II, the Catechism of the Catholic Church and the writings of Pope John Paul II, which have all explicitly affirmed mandatory celibacy, the letter also called for an end to further discussion of changing the requirement, since it "only confuses the faithful and deprives the Church of the clarity needed to inspire vocations".
The 90 signers were drawn from the priests ordained to serve in Arlington, which includes 151 priests who are either currently serving the diocese or retired. In an accompanying letter organizers indicated that "It in no way represents a vote by the priests of Arlington" but rather "the decision of 90 diocesan priests to declare our support for mandatory celibacy".
To read the text of the letters, click here.
Posted September 14, 2003
The DaVinci Code
We've received queries from readers about The DaVinci Code, a novel that hit the best-seller lists this summer, and reports that Catholic women's groups are reading it. The book's fantastic thesis is that Mary Magdalene was married to Jesus and bore his child, and out of jealousy (and mysogyny), Peter and Paul drove her into hiding and suppressed her "gospel" and her leadership of the Church. Ever since, the secret conspiracy to cover up the "truth" has continued (for example, the Holy Grail is "code" for Mary Magdalene, according to author, Dan Green.)See James Hitchcock's column, Mary Magdalen - Revised. For a thorough debunking of The DaVinci Code, in Crisis magazine, click here.
Posted September 12, 2003
WFF Stands up for Life Issues at Missouri Capital
Thursday, September 11, 2003, the Missouri Senate added its votes to that of the House in a successful joint effort to override Governor Holden's veto of the Woman's Right-to-Know Law. The successful House vote (HB 156) took place on Wednesday.This good news came as no surprise to Women for Faith & Family staff Joan Maschmann, Jeanette Maschmann and Phyllis Mees, all of whom manned a WFF table in the Capitol building's legislative chambers during the House vote Wednesday.
According to the WFF staff, security was tight on the hot, sunny day in Jefferson City as Women for Faith & Family joined 35 other Missouri pro-life organizations in witnessing to and lobbying various representatives and aides.
Arriving just after 9:00 a.m., the WFF staff found themselves with a prime view of the House doors and in near constant conversation with various visitors to their table. Many women visiting the booth were hearing about WFF for the first time; some of those visitors were Catholics. "Well, that's something we need more of!" was an oft-repeated response to learning the organization's name.
WFF's quarterly publication, Voices, proved to be popular with the crowd, as was the Francisco de Zurburán Agnus Dei holy card. Mrs. Mees said so many information sheets, pamphlets, holy cards and magazines were distributed that she and the Maschmanns had only 1/6 of the original material to take back to the WFF office.
One of the House staff fell into conversation with Mrs. Mees, stressing that the representatives voting pro-life need the names and addresses of constituents who agree with them. Those names and addresses are needed to discomfit and deter those abortion-supporting representatives who have long lists of their own.
At noon a Pro-Life rally was held on the Capitol lawn. WFF staff was pleased to find sympathetic pro-lifers staying after the rally and returning to the Women for Faith & Family information table, visiting and learning about WFF until 3:00 p.m., the official end of the day.
For Missouri residents:
To find your Legislators go to:
The Directory of Representatives can be found at:
The Directory of Senators can be found at: September 11, 2003
Confraternity of Catholic Clergy Denounces Milwaukee Priests' Petition
In a letter to Bishop Wilton Gregory, Father John Trigilio, President of the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy (CCC) denounces the petition of the 163 priests of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee seeking optional celibacy in the priesthood of the Latin Rite.
Click here to read the complete letter as found on the CCC web site,
Posted September 11, 2003
Promote, Preserve, Protect Marriage
The US Catholic bishops issued an important statement in defense of marriage on September 9. Entitled, Promote, Preserve, Protect Marriage, the statement affirms Catholic teaching on the meaning of marriage, echoing the recent
Vatican statement decrying homosexual "unions", and states that the bishops will affirm the truth about marriage, not only in preaching and teaching, but "in our public policy advocacy at the state and national levels and in the important dialogue about how best to protect marriage and the common good in the U.S. Constitution and in our society as a whole. We offer general support for a Federal Marriage Amendment to the U.S. Constitution as we continue to work to protect marriage in state legislatures, the courts, the Congress and other appropriate forums".
Click on following link for complete text:
Posted September 5, 2003
Modified MOMS Program to Be Introduced in St. Louis
A "modified version" of a study program for Catholic women, "Ministry of Mothers Sharing" (MOMS) is to be offered to parishes in the Archdiocese of St. Louis. We reported concerns about MOMS in the Pentecost 2002 issue of Voices. In August, WFF sent a letter on MOMS to the director of the Office of Laity & Family Life and to the St. Louis Bishops. Go to letter on MOMS for more details and a copy of the letter critical of the program.
See also: Suggestions for local/parish group meetings
Posted September 4, 2003
Priests for Celibacy
"Priests for Celibacy" is an initiative to provide an opportunity for priests to affirm their vocation to celibacy -- a positive response to a recent widely publicized drive by some priests (in Milwaukee and elsewhere) to pressure the Church to change her teaching. The new web site provides an explanation of the effort, the letter for priests, and a few related articles.
Go to:
Priests for Celibacy - PO Box 770684, Memphis TN 38177 - c/o Fr. John Pecoraro
Posted September 4, 2003
On September 10, 2003 a Veto Session Legislative Rally will be held on the Front Lawn of the Missouri Capitol at noon. Please contact your representatives and senators to ask them to override the Governor's veto of HB 156. (Jefferson City, MO).
To find your Legislators go to Directory of Representatives can be found at
The Directory of Senators can be found at
READ Women for Faith & Family's letter to Gov. Bob Holden on Alternatives to Abortion funding
Posted August 29, 2003
Breast Cancer Doc Angela Lanfranchi Says Aboration Link Is Real
Angela Lanfranchi, MD testifies before the Massachusetts Joint Health Care Committee regarding the link between Breast Cancer and Aboration.
See for the complete story -- August 28, 2003
SEE: Women for Faith & Family's letter to Gov. Bob Holden on Alternatives to Abortion funding
Posted August 8, 2003
Cardinal Francis George of Archbishop of Chicago responds to the Chicago Sun-Times August 1, 2003, headline "Pope launches global campaign against gays", concerning the Holy See's June 3 document on homosexual unions.
Links to the homily and related stories are below:
Document: Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith -- Considerations Regarding Proposals to Give Legal Recognition to Unions Between Homosexual Persons - June 3, 2003
Archdiocese of Chicago Website Link to "Cardinal George's August 3rd Homily" -- broken link 6/27/2005
Chicago Sun-Times link to August 1 Headline "Pope Launches Global Campaign Vs. Gays " -- broken link 6/27/2005Chicago Sun-Times link to August 4 Article "Cardinal denounces same-sex headline" --
Posted July 3, 2003
Wednesday, July 2, 2003(ST. CHARLES, MO) U.S. Senator Jim Talent (R-Mo.) and Congressman Todd Akin (R-Mo.) today announced legislation they have introduced in the U.S. Congress to protect the Pledge of Allegiance at a pro-Pledge rally in St. Charles.
Sen. Talent and Rep. Akin have introduced the Protect the Pledge Act of 2003 (S. 1297/H.R. 2028), which would regulate the jurisdiction of the lower federal courts, such as San Francisco's Ninth Circuit Court, to hear cases that challenge the constitutionality of the Pledge of Allegiance.
"I believe it is the responsibility of Congress to protect the Constitution and the Pledge of Allegiance", Talent said. "The Senate voted unanimously to support the use of 'under God' in the Pledge, but in my judgment we should do more. The Protect the Pledge Act preserves and protects individual rights to affirm their beliefs and pledge their allegiance to the flag while making certain that no person would ever be forced to say 'under God' when reciting the Pledge. I am optimistic that we can rally Congress to defend the Constitution and protect the Pledge by limiting the jurisdiction of the lower federal courts.
Talent and Akin's legislation removes the issue of the Pledge of Allegiance's constitutionality from the jurisdiction of federal district and appeals courts, while maintaining the jurisdiction of state courts and the US Supreme Court over such cases.
Under Article III of the Constitution, Congress has the power to regulate the jurisdiction of the lower federal courts as a "check" in our government's system of checks and balances. In the past, Congress has used this power to prevent or overrule judicial abuse in administration of the environmental, immigration, and labor laws.
The effect of Talent and Akin's legislation would be to overrule the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, which ruled, in what is now an infamous case, that the Pledge of Allegiance was unconstitutional because it uses the phrase "one nation under God".
Posted June 24, 2003
Pledge of Allegiance News
Update from the June 21, 2003 Ventura County Star - California Governor Gray Davis has asked the US Supreme Court to review the decision banning the Pledge. The review is based on "national cultural" and "social importance".
See Independence Day Page for history of the Pledge.
Posted June 4, 2003
Bishops' Committee on Women - Women's Pastoral
At their June meeting in St Louis, the Bishops' Committee on Women (BCOW) proposes another "pastoral" on "women's concerns" -- this one on collaboration between women and clergy.
Posted May 29, 2003
EU opens office to counter US pro-life groups
FRIDAY FAX May 30, 2003 Volume 6, Number 23 - C-FAM Web site:
Posted May 24, 2003
Senator Rick Santorum tells Christendom College Grads to Rebel -- Cardinal Dulles receives honorary degree (includes text)
Posted May 23, 2003
Cardinal Arinze's Georgetown Address (complete text)Posted May 22, 2003
Cardinal Arinze's pro-life, pro-family comments anger Georgetown faculty members, spark protest
posted May 22, 2003
Worcester Bishop Will Not Attend Holy Cross CommencementWorcester Bishop Daniel Reilly has backed out of tomorrow's commencement ceremony at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts.
Bishop Reilly will not attend the ceremony on May 23, because MSNBC commentator and abortion-rights advocate Chris Matthews will give the commencement address and receive an honorary degree. In his television commentary and newspaper columns, Matthews has publicly declared "I'm for abortion rights", even appearing to endorse partial-birth abortion for severely handicapped babies.
"Holy Cross will confer an honorary degree on a Catholic person who publicly espouses the view that, in some cases, people have a right to terminate a life in the womb", Bishop Reilly announced yesterday. "I cannot let my presence imply support for anything less than the protection of all life at all its stages."
Alumni have protested the selection of Matthews, led by the Holy Cross Cardinal Newman Society ( and Charles Millard, who chaired the Holy Cross board of trustees from 1977-1982 and served another 22 years as a trustee. Reverend Richard John Neuhaus, editor of First Things magazine and president of the Religion & Public Life Institute, also weighed in last month with a statement critical of the college.Holy Cross spokeswoman Kathy McNamara said that Bishop Reilly, who attends the ceremony every year and closes the commencement with a blessing, would be missed. ''Bishop Reilly is a devoted friend of the college, and we're sorry he won't attend our commencement this year',' she said. She also praised Matthews, saying he has a ''probing intellect'' and sympathy for the poor and marginalized. She also said Matthews doesn't depart from the church's views on the morality of abortion, only on the government's role in regulating reproductive rights.
Bishop Reilly also skipped the 1999 commencement at Worcester's Assumption College, which honored then-Lt. Gov. Jane M. Swift, despite her support for legal abortion.
The Catholic Action League has also criticized Stonehill College for inviting White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card as commencement speaker, saying he also supported legal abortion while a member of the state Legislature.
Cardinal Newman Society News Alert 5-22-03 - Contact: [email protected]
posted May 21, 2003
Senator Rick Santorum Tells Christendom College Grads to Rebel Against the Pop Culture
Senator Rick Santorum, Cardinal Avery Dulles address graduates, receive honors at Christendom CollegeFull story:
FRONT ROYAL, Va. "We need to summon the moral strength to create a civilization of peace and justice, and of course, of love", said United States Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) to Christendom College's graduating class of 2003 on May 17. "This is where you come in. I believe of all the great gifts God has given to the young, the greatest of these are energy, idealism, and rebelliousness. I want to challenge each and every one of you to be a radical, to be a rebel, to rebel against the popular culture. Your task will not be an easy one. You must overcome the temptation of silence".
Prior to the Commencement Ceremonies, Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., offered the Baccalaureate Mass in the Chapel of Christ the King and delivered the homily."Treasure the fact that you have been given a Catholic education in which the truth of revelation was not severed from the truth of the human sciences", exhorted Cardinal Dulles. "There are many rivers of truth, but in the end they merge into one undivided stream. When the perennial questions are seriously asked, Christ can be recognized as the encompassing truth. Truth in the end turns out to be a Person, a person whom we encounter both in the proclamation of the Gospel and in the ministry of the sacraments".
Cardinal Dulles was awarded an Honorary Doctorate in Humane Letters during Commencement Exercises. Christendom College conferred 73 Bachelor of Arts and three Associate of Arts degrees on its graduating class, making the Class of 2003 the largest in the College's 25-year history.
posted May 21, 2003
NEWS ALERT from Cardinal Newman SocietyBishops Back Out of U. Scranton, Misericordia Commencements
Scranton Bishops Refuse to Share Stage With Abortion-Rights AdvocatesFALLS CHURCH, VA (May 21, 2003) Scranton Bishop James Timlin and Auxiliary Bishop John Dougherty have backed out of the commencement ceremonies of two Catholic colleges in Pennsylvania, following protests by Cardinal Newman Society, an organization dedicated to strengthening Catholic identity at Catholic colleges and universities, Bishop Timlin will not attend the University of Scranton's commencement ceremony on May 25, citing a policy of refusing to share a stage with public abortion-rights advocate, MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews, invited to address graduates at both Scranton University and the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, because of his abortion-rights position. In his television commentary and newspaper columns, Matthews has publicly declared "I'm for abortion rights," even appearing to endorse partial-birth abortion for severely handicapped babies.
Bishop Dougherty, an advisor to Cardinal Newman Society, did not attend College Misericordia's ceremony on Saturday because of concerns about the commencement speakers, journalists Cokie and Steven Roberts.
Although Cokie has written in the couple's syndicated column that she "tends to favor pro-life arguments", her husband, "who is Jewish, is more sympathetic to the pro-choice side" (May 25, 1997). Steve's writings portray both pro-life and radical feminist activists as extreme, whereas the "middle" or "moderate" position agrees "that a woman has a right to choose abortion, but the right is not unlimited" (U.S. News & World Report, April 12, 1993). The Roberts' joint column also has repeatedly echoed Steve's call for "moderation" on the abortion issue, endorsing restrictions on abortion but espousing abortion rights. The Roberts have labeled those who respect the dignity of all human life as extremists.
The Cardinal Newman Society protest is part of its annual survey of commencement speakers whose public actions and statements are opposed to Catholic teaching. See for a complete list.
Said Patrick Reilly, president of Cardinal Newman Society. "Support for abortion rights is not something that we should encourage Catholic college students to emulate."
Patrick J. Reilly, President
207 Park Ave., Suite B-2 _ Falls Church, VA 22046
(703) 536-9585 _ Fax (703) 532-3094
posted May 21, 2003
From Cybercast News Court Steps Into Dispute Over Religious Education Funding
By Robert B. Bluey Staff Writer
May 20, 2003( - Less than a year after affirming the use of vouchers for religious schools, the U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear a related case examining a Washington law that prohibits state funding for religious instruction.
Even after last June's victory at the Supreme Court, school choice advocates warned that other challenges remain. The new case, which will be heard during the court's term next fall, stems from a decision to strip a Northwest College student of financial aid.
Joshua Davey was awarded $1,125 through a Washington Promise Scholarship. But when the state's Higher Education Coordinating Board discovered he chose a major in theology at the Kirkland, Wash., evangelical Christian college, the agency revoked the scholarship.
The state won the first round before a federal district court, but the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit reversed the decision, setting the stage for a battle before the nation's highest court.
Washington Attorney General Christine O. Gregoire argued in her petition to the Supreme Court that the state should have the right to decide if taxpayer money should be spent to pay for religious instruction.
The Higher Education Coordinating Board, a defendant along with Democrat Gov. Gary Locke, cited a 1969 Washington law that bans financial aid to students pursuing divinity studies, as well as a provision in the state Constitution that prohibits the use of public money for religious instruction.
That provision, known as the Blaine amendment, signifies the broader importance of the case, said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice, which is defending Davey.
Although the Supreme Court hasn't set a date for oral arguments -- it is still hearing cases for its 2002 term -- Sekulow said it's the most important religious free exercise case to come before the court in a decade....Full story:\Culture\archive\200305\CUL20030520a.html
See also ACLJ story 5-19-03: broken link 6/27/2005
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