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USA: 40,000 Women Say "NO" to the Priesthood for Women
Usa: 40 mila donne dicono no al sacerdozio per le donne
"Women priests: To the full Synod, a document from the United States -- among the signers, Mother Teresa of Calcutta
-- 40 thousand women say NO"ROME October 24, 1987. The story about the presentation of the Affirmation for Catholic Women as it appeared in Avvenire, a daily newspaper of the Italian bishops' conference, that was given each day to all the bishops in the plenary session of the Synod on the Laity. The story describes the presentation on Friday, October 23, of the Affirmation for Catholic Women, with its more than 40,000 signatures, to Cardinal Edouard Gagnon, president of the Pontifical Council on the Family, who received it on behalf of the Holy See.
The front-page story by Luigi Offeddu notes that the question of ordination of women to the Catholic priesthood, and about roles for women in the Church, had been raised at the Synod, and observed that so much media coverage had recently been given to feminist complaints about the "prohibition" of women from the priesthood that "one imagines that the feminine world is in grave ferment" over the "masculine monopoly" -- "especially after the recent visit of the pope to the United States". "But instead", he wrote: "40 thousand women, mostly from the United States, signed a document clearly affirming the doctrine of the Church: among the signers is Mother Teresa of Calcutta".
The Avvenire story quotes extensively from the Affirmation statement, and pictures Mother Teresa, a signer of the Affirmation for Catholic Women.
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