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Voices Online Edition
Vol. XXV, No. 3
Michaelmas 2010Litany to Mary, Mother of Life
by Kathleen Jones
Mary, Mother of the Author of Life,
Pray that we may have respect for life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Mother of the Church,
You showed us how valuable a single life can be:
Help us to protect and guard the lives of all people who are entrusted to our care. R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Mother of the Child Jesus,
Along with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus, you formed the Holy Family.
Guard and protect all families in this earthly life, watch over our homes and guard our land.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Mother of God,
You made holy the vocation of motherhood, pour out your heavenly aid on all mothers and help them
to be holy.
R. Mary, pray for us. .Mary, Mother of Sorrows,
Simeon’s prophecy foretold that a sword of suffering would pierce your heart.
Bring comfort and hope to all mothers who suffer over their children.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Full of Grace,
You had a choice and you chose life. Help us to always say “Yes” to the will of God in our lives and strive always to do whatever He tells us.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Comforter of the Afflicted,
pour forth your heavenly grace on all women who are in need of God’s healing after the trauma of abortion. Help them to experience the love and mercy of Christ, your Son.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Intercessor and Advocate,
We lift up the poor, the displaced, the marginalized and the vulnerable members of our society. Help them never to abandon hope but to place their trust in the God who gave them life.
R. Mary, pray for us.Mary, Mother of the Word Incarnate,
You bore in your womb Him whom the heavens cannot contain. Help us to bring forth Christ in our lives and in our example and show the world the extravagant love of God.
R. Mary, pray for us.
Kathleen Jones of Frederick, Maryland.
A version of it is on the Respect Life pages of the USCCB web site.
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