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Voices Online Edition
Vol. XXII, No. 4
Christmastide 2007Table of Contents
2... Inside Voices: Our Joy, Our Hope Helen Hull Hitchcock
3... Highlights of USCCB Meeting Helen Hull Hitchcock
5... On Nutrition & Hydration: Doctrinal Response Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
8... SPECIAL FEATURE: Pope Benedict XVI Encyclical Letter
Spe Salvi, Complete in this issue28...We’ve Drifted From the Vision of Religious Freedom Colleen Carroll Campbell
29... Defining Political Terms Sheila Gribben Liaugminas
32... Bioethics Watch: Adventures in Pill Land Nancy Valko, RN
34... Book Review: A Cajun Christmas Mary Jo Anderson
36... World Youth Day: Act Globally, Think Locally Joanna Bogle
38... Donors and Memorials
39... Affirmation for Catholic Women
Cover: The Nativity (1520) by Hans Baldung-Grien (ca. 1484-1545) - Alte Pinakotek, Munich.
About the cover
This Nativity, by the German Renaissance artist Hans Baldung-Grien, is especially notable for the artist’s dramatic use of light and dark, which underscores the message of the Birth of Christ the brilliance of the Star, which seems to pierce the inky night sky; the angel within an areola enlightening the shepherds (seen through the archway); and the light that emanates from the Christ Child the Light of the World illuminating all the surrounding figures and the interior of the stable.A painter and printmaker, Hans Baldung-Grien was a contemporary of Albrecht Dürer, and joined Dürer’s workshop in Nuremburg, Germany, from 1503-1506.
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