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Voices Online Edition
Vol. XVIII: No. 3 - Michaelmas 2003A New Catholic High School Textbook Series
by Margaret M. Whitehead
The Didache High School Textbook Series
Midwest Theological Forum
Each text $30.00
Website: Midwest Theological Forum
Phone - 630-739-9750
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Mail - Midwest Theological Forum - 1420 Davey Rd, Woodridge, IL 60517
(updated order information 12/06/2007)A comprehensive and very impressive High School Religion Series has been launched this year by the Midwest Theological Forum. It is called The Didache High School Textbook Series and consists of four texts: Introduction to Catholicism, A Complete Course; Understanding the Scriptures, A Complete Course on Bible Study; The History of the Church, A Complete Course and Our Moral Life in Christ, A Complete Course. Although these books are designed for high school use, they would also be quite adaptable to RCIA (Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults) classes.
An overview of the Introduction to Catholicism, the first book in the series, will provide some idea of the scope and seriousness of this program. The Introduction begins in chapter one with the Call to Holiness and ends in chapter 26 with the Beatitudes. In between, there are chapters on the Trinity, the Church, Mary, Revelation, Old and New Testaments, Sacraments, Freedom, Moral Virtue and the Commandments.
Each chapter is between 10 and 15 pages long and includes Study Guides at the end. The Study Guides offer supplementary reading suggestions, vocabulary words, questions, practical exercises and quotations from The Catechism of the Catholic Church.
The Introduction to Catholicism text is very readable and attractively presented. It includes beautiful artwork as well as contemporary photographs. The authoritative sources relied on throughout the texts are Scripture, The Catechism of the Catholic Church, lives of the Saints, Fathers of the Church, Vatican II and Pope John Paul II.
No authors are given for this textbook, but the general editor is the Reverend James Socias and the editorial board includes the Reverend Peter Armenio, Scott and Kimberly Hahn, Emmet Flood, and Mike Aquilina.
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