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Voices Online Edition
Michaelmas 2002 - Volume XVII, No. 3
Table of Contents
2. . . . .Letters [Note: Letters column is not included in online edition of Voices.] Sample Letter - Complimentary Objections- is a response to our Young Writer's Award winning essay, in the Pentecost Issue of Voices, Whether Christ changed the Role of Women, by Elizabeth Ruth Cheffers.
5 . . . . Inside Voices - Editorial - ... The evangelical mission of the Church - to bring to the entire world the liberating truth that is Christ - has always been the same and ever shall be. ... - by Helen Hull Hitchcock
10. . . .Voices Young Writer Award - The Little Lily of Purity - Short story on the Life of St. Maria Goretti -
. . . . . .by Katherine Buckmaster [Details on entering the Young Writer's Award]
21. . . .Bioethics Watch - Ethical Implications of Non-Heart-Beating Organ Donation - ... in the understandable zeal to save or extend an many lives as possible through organ transportation, are some ethical boundaries being crossed? .... - by Nancy Valko, RN
38. . . .Other Voices - News Review of Recent Events - September 11 Anniversary -- Zero tolerance for "zero tolerance"? -- Plenary Council? -- Shades of the Sixties -- Update on UNFPA -- India's Implausible Link -- Same old same old -- Catholic universities and "reproductive health" -- Planned Parenthood teen site "a web of lies" -- Weal and Woe in the Wake of WYD -- The Visioning Thing -- The Druid Prelate of Canterwar -- Depends on what you mean by "faithful" -- A note and a promise... - by Helen Hull Hitchcock
45. . . .Affirmation for Catholic Women
6. . . . .CEDAW Action Update ---- URGENT! Write your Senators today!!
8. . . . ."You are the Salt of the Earth!" - World Youth Day - final message - Pope John Paul II
12. . . .Heroic Youth - A Tonic in Tough Times - World Youth Alliance at World Youth Day - ...WYA has earned respect at the international level and is a source of hope for the "culture of life"... -by Mary Jo Anderson
15. . . .How Could They Do Have Done This? -The Catholic Bishops and the Scandal - ...the failure of the American bishops to correct those subject to their authority began a long time ago... -by Kenneth D. Whitehead
25. . . .A Living Spirituality in a Time of Crisis - ... The treasure of Catholic Spirituality, one of the solutions to the present crisis in the Church, is also one of the Church's best kept secrets. ... -by Mary Ellen Bork
29. . . .Making Words Count - Voters must be mindful of media manipulation - ...how to arrive at a secure democracy based on a culture of informed men and women who first know Truth and the values that derive from Truth, and then are prepared to do what is necessary to defend them.... by Sheila Gribben Liaugminas
35. . . .Reviving Catholic Customs - Are Young Catholics Cultural Orphans? - ...We are creating generations of cultural and spiritual orphans -- expecting them to remain Catholics without any links with the past, and without the sense of belonging to a community that has a glorious hertiage of which they are a part and to which they can make their own contribution. ... by Joanna Bogle
Cover - Crucifixion (detail) 12th c. apse mosaic, San Clemente, Rome
Back Cover [excerpts from The Exaltation of the Holy Cross , from WFF Prayer and Devotions page]
See Voices main page for Details on Writer's Guidelines for articles in Voices]
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