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About Medicine & Morality
Table of Contents:




Stem Cell Research Section

Terri Schiavo


Catholics & Religious Liberty


USCCB on Healthcare Reform,
Link to special section on the official website of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops. This important section from the US bishops links to letters from bishops, documents, and other action items: -

Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care

Timeline on Pro-Euthanasia Activities
An interesting timeline charting the connections between pro-euthanasia organizations and activities is accessible from Life Tree, Inc. of Raleigh, NC. Here’s the link:

South Dakota abortion task force report

WFF's Online Journal on Bioethics and Health Care Issues

Topics on About Medicine & Morality include abortion and "end-of-life" issues -- stem cell research, organ donation, withholding of medical treatment or food and water, euthanasia and assisted suicide -- that are matters of concern to families and others who care for seriously ill people of every age -- people who are especially at risk in our culture -- people who are precious in the sight of God, despite their fragility or disability -- people who are always entitled to our love, and our informed and intelligent care.

We invite reader suggestions and contributions to About Medicine and Morality. Submissions should be typed, 500 to 1000 words. Favorable consideration will be given to subjects and issues of widest interest to our readers.

Submissions may also be e-mailed. Please include your name, complete address and telephone/fax, and e-mail address.

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